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who did you lovelies think did better? YG or JYP? Of course i'm biased, but they all did so well and the showcase was such a fun watch. i couldn't help but be sad that Lee Know wasn't there though T__T


Marion Jones

Something that Channie revealed recently in a live was that he was meant to do a flip in that last ‘sit down’ bit but he had injured himself whilst practicing it. He said he had landed on his neck and was partially paralysed! He had acupuncture so he could move again! And when you think about the fact that they basically only have a week to prepare (possibly a little longer, not entirely sure on that), it means that Chan was likely still recovering from the injury when they performed! Which is amazing because no one could tell, as in no Stay knew until Chan mentioned it recently and also is a bit concerning that he still went through with performing.


yeah exactly! I don't know if I could have done the same thing, although when you're that passionate about debuting and to look after the other members so you don't bring them down or disappoint them, that would have been so much pressure on chan. I want to give past channie a hug because the internal stress and pressure would have been so much 😭