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Soooooo...remember my last post where I mentioned that I thought I had pulled a lower ab muscle because i was in so much pain...well it turns out I might have an infection or something wrong with my ovary. what fun... So I spent all of today getting tests done and then driving to the other side of my city to get an ultrasound because they were the only ones that had a free appointment today.

Hopefully everything is all good and it is just a minor sprain or something less serious. My doctor said that if it gets more painful again over the weekend I need to go to the hospital straight away....

Well that was my fun day T_T I had a whole day of filming planned and editing but now that I'm home, I've only had time to edit the YT version of the MAMA performance (it got blocked so I had to re-edit it even more) and the dance practice for TXT Mama. I hope you enjoy the video! Their performance is insane and I'm determined to edit and upload any spare moment I have until I have more time off when I finish work next week! <3 Love you all xx



that was an amazing performance !! Soobin with that hair just hits different


Omg hope everything goes well, remember not to stress yourself 💙


Thanks so much beautiful! I hope the tests show something. So we know what to fix. I just can’t wait to have time to myself again and focus solely on content! ❤️