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Goooooooooooood Evening lovelies❤️❤️

After a day of travel I’m back in my hometown. I am so tired. I was going to edit but I’m so exhausted and I get anxiety coming back here because of childhood trauma 🌈🌈 anyway, I wouldn’t have chosen to come back if my mum wasnt going in for ear surgery on Monday so in between looking after her I’ll me doing my darndest to film because I really want to hang out and spend time with you all!!

I’m also working on the giveaway paintings whilst I’m here so I brought all my paint with me and I hope I can finish one off my in my time here ❤️

I miss my cat too lol… and Simon I suppose but mostly Beanz.. 🐈‍⬛ she is my child after all.

Anyway before I drone on too much, I hope you’re All well, happy and sending hugs and good vibes ❤️❤️



Abbi Pittman

sending you and your family lots of love (including beanz) ♡

