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Hello lovelies! I have had a time…a…time lol this week I’m working on episodes of TXT human theatre for those in the Mini tier and the Skz survival episode and doom episode for medium lovelies and mega lovelies are on the way! I’m also trying to edit my BTS guide reaction for YouTube which will hopefully be up soon.

On thing I didn’t really anticipate is how stressful wedding planning will be. Probably because we just made our budget and things pile on so quickly! Like when everything is like almost a $1000 each for things I see why some peoples weddings blow out of proportion. 😅😅🫠

I also had my orthopaedic surgeon appointment this morning for my knee and the mri has shown that it basically is fine and my knee is just a dramatic lil bitch 😂😂😩 and likes to get sore now 😭 oh the joys of 30.

Anyway, I hope you’re all well and the week is going to be a good one! I love you all and I can’t wait to give you more content especially when I’m having to go to cairns to look after my mum after her surgery. I’m guessing im going to have down time so at least I’ll get to hang out with you!


Abbi Pittman

yay! so good to hear from you 💜 was thinking about you yesterday! ALSO BTS?!?! I might cry lol the planning for a wedding is stressful BUT it will be the best day I just know it 🫶


I’m so excited to finish the video lol and to watch more doom 🤩🤩 work tomorrow is going to be a long day so hopefully I get to work on it more when I get home. Also I said yes to the dress today!!

Abbi Pittman

omg!!! that's so exciting!! you'll have to send/post a pic on the big day 🫶