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I am really enjoying getting to know more of the members in a chill and one on one setting. You can just see how incredibly dedicated they are to their job, ARMY and being just humble and precious people. Jin really I think cemented his way into my bias… but they all are just so precious in their own way



Jin's alcohol diary is great! it's on YouTube and pretty short actually.


I was a fan in 2018 during that speech and EVERYONE cries if Jhope cries. just the rules. There was a lot of shock among ARMY when Jin was open about their talks of disbandment, but to me it kind of seemed naturally. And like you said just really honest and endearing and vulnerable to take such a big stage to talk about such things. But to me not shocking. ARMY knew they had been going through a rough patch mentally at the beginning of the year and were also really stressed and scared at their sudden explosion of success. That was also the year they resigned contracts to HYBE. it's only natural when resigning to talk about all the possibilities and would have been the easiest and least controversial time to part ways if they chose to. I'm so so happy they stuck together! and know they are too! At the time I remember having a conversation with someone about how I truly love BTS. Not in a like weird romantic "my husbands" way. And I'm fully aware I don't actually know them personally and they have no idea who I am. But I truly love them in that I want only the best for them. And if thay had chosen to retire I trust that they would only do that because they truly wanted or need to and therefore would also want that for them. I would be sad and miss their music, but would much rather they be happy and healthy. They same always goes for idols in relationships. It baffles me how some people claim to love an idol so much they don't want them to date. I hope all BTS members one day to have happy and open relationships without harassment from 'fans.' I hope when they return from military Korean public will see them as more adult and allow them that freedom