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Mel: “Fucking Hot…”

The piercing sunlight shines down on Mel.  Temperature 34 degrees, humidity 50%. Mel can't stand the heat that clings. He pours lemonade into a tumbler full of ice under a parasol in the garden and drinks it, but it only takes one sip. That will only lower the body heat a bit, but it won't beat the sun.

Looking around, there is a standing water faucet. Mel wanders up to it, turn on the faucet, and water squirts out of the hose. Pinch the hose outlet to spray water into the air.

Mel: “It's warm as piss...”

The lukewarm water in the water pipes clings to one's skin. But as he continues, the water gradually cools down. Comfortably cold water pours down on Mel.  Splash water on his face and store it in his mouth. Water absorbs heat and refreshes. He spits the warm water onto the lawn and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

Mel: "Still hot..."

Gaze intently at the water spraying from the hose. And then he comes up with a silly idea. Turn off the faucet and turn off the water once. Hold the hose in his mouth and look up. Slurp and insert into himself. Ordinary people would have choked, but he did it with a cool face. In no time at all, the visible hose is about a meter shorter than it should be. Twist the faucet just a little to get the water out. Then Mel feels a chill in his stomach area. And rather than feeling like it is accumulating, it feels like it is being absorbed and the cold water is circulating throughout the body.

Mel: "Whew... that feels cool."

Stand on his knees and lean back so that his belly protrudes. Reach forward with his hand and twist the faucet even more. The flow rate is not at full throttle, but enough to make the hose tremble. Water trickles directly into the stomach. The sound of gurgling and stirring is heard as it mixes vigorously with the gas that has already accumulated. In no time at all, the area around his solar plexus bulges.

Mel: "Hmmp... glup..."

Poke and play with the belly when it swells up. It is soft and heavy like a water balloon. Then, the water in the stomach gurgles into the intestines. The solar plexus concaves and the entire abdomen rounds out. I give the faucet another twist to increase the water flow. The water flow is strong and the sound echoes from my stomach. As soon as his belly swelled up, he became as big as a pregnant. The skin is a little push out and painful. In addition, gravity pulls the water downward, giving the water a peculiar clogging sensation.

Mel: "feels pleasure..."

He strokes his own belly. A little push and the soft, swollen belly clings to own's hand. When he removes his hand, it tries to return to its original round shape. When he twists his hips and shakes his stomach, a slosh sound is heard. When the water shakes under its weight, the skin is pulled and pressure is felt.

Can play with this endlessly.

But he drank too much water and began to feel dizzy. It is water intoxication. If he passes out at this point, he will continue to swell and burst.

Mel: "just a little bit more..."

He needed to make this quick, so he turned the faucet all the way up. The belly swells at an even faster rate. The belly, which had been soft and able to deform, swells into a hard. Its size also inflated like a yoga ball. It is a condition that could easily be blasted away if poked with a needle. Immediately turn off the faucet.

He strokes his own water balloon, which is about to pop at any moment. The temperature of the palm of his hand feels so nice on his cold belly that it makes him shiver. However, this is  very heavy. If he relaxed even a little, he would roll on the grass.

Grab the hose and pull it out at once. Water naturally overflows from the mouth. Mel enjoys the sensation of the mass of water rushing back down his throat. He squeezes his mouth and spurts out water like a fountain.

Mel: "Heh,  that's funny."

The summer sun is pleasant on a chilled body. He rolls his swollen belly onto the lawn. His belly is so heavy that he cannot move because it contains nearly 40 liters of water. When he puts his weight on his own body tightly, his flanks bulge out. The pleasure of the body's twisting sensation is intoxicating.

Mel: "Hnnoo!!,  Fuck…!! *blech*"

It makes his mouth can't stop overflowing. But for Mel, it doesn't matter. If only he could devour the pleasure.


This is for the public, but it doesn't feel special, so I have prepared a simple story.





Great story! 👏 While this might not be the most efficient way to cool down, it's definitely a pleasurable one 🥰

dynastichoney (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-14 10:35:22 Thank you, Mii! <3 This method is so pleasurable that it will make you forget about both the heat and the cold. hehe
2023-07-05 11:02:56 Thank you, Mii! <3 This method is so pleasurable that it will make you forget about both the heat and the cold. hehe

Thank you, Mii! <3 This method is so pleasurable that it will make you forget about both the heat and the cold. hehe