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 First of all, we would like to thank you all for the bottom of our hearts for the immense support you gave us! 

It was a complete pleasant surprise for us and we are so happy!  

We've started to implementing automatic reward sync with the Patreon and noticed that we've made a small mistake and didn't checked up the option that payment is accepted on the day person becomes a patron.

 Right now it is set on 1st of month instead.   While it is generally no big deal, current option prevents people who wants to do one-off tip, as they will be billed only next month.  

 New setting will not affect any existing patrons -- the billing will be on 1st as usual. It is only applied for those who sign up next.  

We are going to switch it on 8th of Oct. More details on how charge up works is here - https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-How-charge-up-front-works 


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