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I have been attempting to draw lately and my own drawings have started to look catastrophically bad. (Maybe I am actually bad at it...)

Probably because of the very shocking news we hear these days. Hence, I think the mental stress is having a negative impact.

I am doing basic sketches to try to combat this. It is to make sure that you never stop drawing.
I posted an image and a good Inflation sketch showing what I am doing now in that context.
Forgive me if this kind of Doodle continues until I get back on track.




Your skill has improved a lot! Both in drawing but mainly in perceiving and evaluating art! That's why it looks "worse" to you. You are able to "see" more flaws. To me, who has not evolved, your art looks even better now! So beautiful!! Thank you for all the amazing sketches!! And yes, there is a lot of bad stuff going on. But we're still us. And I will support you, no matter what ♥


“I've improved my skills enough to recognize new shortcomings.” Thanks for a very positive way of thinking. I'm always nervous when submitting sketches, but maybe I should think a little more casually. Thanks again Mii, always reassuring.


One thing I've always heard is that your skills will never match your expectations. As your skills improve, so to do your expectations, so there will always be a gap between them. The fact you're able to see flaws you can improve on not only shows how you've improved your skills, but it also shows how your expectations have increased such that you can appreciate the flaws and try to figure out ways to improve on them.


Thank you for the comment. You remind me of a college professor.  When you understand one, there are 10 more mysteries. It goes on and on and on. Perhaps I should look at this slump in a more positive light. But I must not be too proud...