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Kill la Kill vs. Overlord Replacement Poll

  • Kill la Kill 684
  • Overlord 672
  • 2018-08-26
  • —2018-08-29
  • 1356 votes
{'title': 'Kill la Kill vs. Overlord Replacement Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Kill la Kill', 'votes': 684}, {'text': 'Overlord', 'votes': 672}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 29, 22, 49, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 26, 22, 51, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1356}


Welcome to the finals round!! Whichever wins the finals round we will release early access reactions on the Sunday when Berserk's final episode goes public.

If for some reason you don't recognize these shows, check out the MyAnimeList links below:





Go Ainz! GO!

God Enel

Wanted food wars but now I'm all in on overlord woooo!

uwu owo



Mr. Skeletal army reporting in


May the most popular show win! How's THAT for an uncontroversial comment!


You know, one day when Oregairu's on the poll, I will make thousands of accounts just to up vote it.


dont really like kill la kill that much but overlord bores me to tears there is what two 2 cour seasons of that? pass


Overlord please, Kill la Kill is just Fan service & over the top concept. Plain silly

Travis Saar

Overlord is good but Kill La Kill is easily one of the best anime of the past decade and if Overlord wins it shows how strong recency bias really is.




We have enough overload reactions on youtube. Would be nice to see Kill la Kill

King Black

I hope Kill la Kill wins

Life Legacy


Travis Saar

For those who haven't seen/aren't interested in either show Kill La Kill is only 24 eps while Overlord is 39 (with potentially more to come)

Sword Saint

Overlord is pretty fun in a wish fulfillment guilty pleasure kind of way, but Kill la Kill is, despite its silly premise, much more of a serious type of show that feels like it has characters you can care about and with themes that actually seem to go somewhere and resonate with you long after the show ends.


I like both, but I vote KLK; it's one of the iconic anime of this decade.

Victor Vilela

Personally I only find S1 of Overlord to be worth watching. The series seems to get dumber and more trashy-isekai the more seasons it goes for. On the other hand, Kill la Kill is a flagship Trigger anime, renown for animation, action, comedy, and crazy story.

uwu owo

you can still vote for both things, that shouldnt be a thing in the finals


Voting for Overlord counts as losing your way. Make sure you choose correctly.


Kill la kill will likely lose but I really hope it gets watched eventually if it does lose. Everyone is watching overlord rn but not many are watching klk these days


Overlord was already winning why is there a need to drag it out


Okay the comments promoting Kill la Kill won me over, I switched from Overlord.

Sword Saint

Because Overlord is a show about already being so stupid powerful that you just need to put a little effort in to win everything, while Kill la Kill is about rising up against obstacles larger than yourself and pulling ahead through willpower, courage, and comradery. It's a pretty meta poll when you think about it.

Dedotated Wam

Kill la Kill would literally make my day if it won


Come on Overlord you're in the last stretch!

Evan Mayes

Both of these anime's are good. So either way i believe that Caleb and Jacob will enjoy. But I really don't feel like watching them react to kill la kill. I believe that there can be some really great discussions from Caleb and Jacob regarding Overlord. Of course this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. let the Patron's decide

Travis Saar

I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack constantly refreshing this poll

E. Rose

I like both series but voted for Kill la Kill for a good reason. It’s over. There is a clear remarking line of when it will end. Overlord is 3 seasons minimum and may continue past it.


Vote KLK to see their reaction to it's godlike music.


Think about it, Kill La Kill has such a variety of crazy weird situations for Jacob and Caleb to react to, most of Overlord would just be "yo thats cool" and that's it.

Dedotated Wam

After you see the first season, which I enjoyed, there's really not much more to talk about, and the MC plus the show in general continually gets worse


Vote Kill la Kill for the JoJo references


While I'm not a big fan of either series, Kill la Kill should provide the better reactions with it's balls to the wall insanity per minute rather than Overlords pace of "lets spend 3-5 episodes on setup before having an anti-climax because nothing can ever threaten our protagonists"


Kill la Kill is the embodiment of Studio Trigger, we NEED it to happen.


I voted Overlord because I thought it was really good....but if KLK wins then it will be one of those animes I'd never watch by myself but would give it a chance by watching it as they react to it...so win win

Dedotated Wam

I don't really want them to get caught up watching a currently airing series. Best to see if its good before they watch it. So far its only gone downhill since S1

Dedotated Wam

If you're gonna try to use the power of memes to win you should know KLK has JoJo memes on its side

Sword Saint

Yeah, it's a self contained story with all loose ends wrapped up. There's no risk that any part of the story thats been teased or left open for later will go unanswered because the novel or anime gets cancelled, you're guaranteed to experience the complete vision of the writers. It also doesn't tie you down with the expectation that you're going to be watching the new season every year until its done, so it's less of a 'slot hog' for these guys than Overlord would be.


Fan of KLK myself and I don't really believe they'd enjoy it as much as they would Overlord, with Overlord being inspired by DnD and having elements of it along with the lore and various plannings made. It gets even better when you read the Light Novel.


That's subjective though? You may think that but there's no guarentee they will o:


I'm voting for the SUPREME AINZ-SAMA, that rules the Great Tomb of Nazarick. I've only watched an episode of klk, so not gonna hate on it as it's not fair to hate on something you don't fully know, but I'm fully caught up on the overlord anime and I'm really enjoying it. Either way I'll watch what they react to, but my vote still lies with Overlord!


If they love Gurren Lagann i think they'll really enjoy KLK its like the female equivalent lol

Dedotated Wam

Gonna listen to Blumenkranz while refreshing the poll, this is gonna be one dramatic battle


Voted Kill la Kill this round, since I figured it would be a more stable and consistent experience than Overlord. IMO, Overlord as a series has many highs, but also many lows, and its highs never really reach the level that Kill la Kill’s do. Furthermore, Kill la Kill's only mediocre at its worst moments, whilst some moments of Overlord bored me to death (I'm looking at you, lizard man arc.) Not to mention that Kill la Kill is far shorter, so I might have a chance to see Food Wars on another poll in ~6 months time. And finally, JoJo memes.


Overlord is overrated imo.


The Supreme Being is the superior choice, vote Overlord for the glory of Ainz Ooal Gown! Ainz-sama banzai!


I voted Overlord, the LN is much better but I'd still put it miles above KLK. I dropped KLK super quickly, getting through the episodes felt like a chore and I don’t recall particularly liking ANY of the characters. (no flame pls) Overlord puts a good emphasis on their world building, showing the perspective of other organisations and individuals to see how they react to a godlike being getting dropped in their world. Moreover, I find it great to see Ainz interact with those in Nazarick, desperately trying to maintain his facade of being a powerful and competent leader, despite feeling like anything but, thus leading to comedic moments. A few reasons off the top of my head as to why you should vote for Overlord: -You’ll get to see arrogant assholes get put in their place. -An MC who values his comrades above all, who’s willing to slaughter his enemies without mercy if benefits his comrades. -No bullshit power of friendship, where you’ll get stronger just because your friends are in trouble. -Good worldbuilding, you’ll get to explore the new world in which Ainz finds himself in. -Tons of characters, you’ll definitely find someone you like. -Cool RPG-esque story, giving the bros plenty that they’re familiar with to talk about, given their love for dnd. -Sasuga Ainz-Sama Disclaimer: I'm intentionally neglecting to mention Overlords faults; I’m trying to promote it after all! Anyway, if any of the above sounded interesting to you then vote Overlord!


Tbh, Kill La Kill vs Overlord is just Hype Fanservice Fights and Clothes Powers vs. A Well Written and Planned Out DnD Campaign


Yeah... no idea why people are voting for KLK... maybe they just want to see their disgust from a 100% fanservice anime lol...


Aye there really isn't any point behind it. Ah well, lot can happen in 3 days for a poll






if u want some overlord hype go read the LN if u want some epic fights and a great anime to watch go with KLK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


overlord is predictable when it come to fights u know who gonna win so just go read the LN while KLK bring u to a journey u never expecting to go on.

Dedotated Wam

Yeah but its boring. There is never any threat to the main cast, its a power fantasy and that's okay, its just not that interesting


Impressive, +300 votes in two hours. Good thing skeletons never tire.

Loro Lukic

Isn't Kill la Kill the one with the main character transforming with her tits always out? Well I guess if it won I have an excuse to watch it through their reactions. "Haha it has JoJo references how hilarious"

Sword Saint

There's like one scene in Kill la Kill where any character could be considered nude, and its at the very end in one of those 'naked and pure' spiritual sort of things thats popular in eastern media.


Voted Overlord, because they will actually like it.

Loro Lukic

It's not about winning it's about dominating. Every shonen is predictable, the main character wins in the end. You don't watch overlord for the fights


Battle of the overhype! I like both shows but I always see them praised more than they probably should be. Kill la Kill is a fun fighting anime but other than the cool fight scenes it doesn't have much else to offer (Also fanservice is fanservice, yes they make it represent something in the anime but in the end of the day it's still for views). Overlord builds a fantasy world that is interesting but not overly unique, what really sells it is the point of view being from the OP end bosses of a MMO. It certainly has some issues with what it try's to focus on, nobody cares about the lizards, no body cares about the goblins, yet they spend multiple episodes on them. I ended up going for Overlord because I feel it would create better discussion instead of 'wow that was a cool fight scene'. I realize Kill la Kill isn't just fight scenes but understand that it is a good chunk of it and I'm more interested in world-building discussion rather than talking about how well made the fight scene was.


pleaaase overlord win pleaaase! its so good and they woud love it!

zeid c

they arent interested and why would it be on a poll lmfao


B-But...Lizard [Redacted] ; - ; Good points though~! Love Bone Daddy but the pacing and skipped details from the Light Novel irks me, I love Ryokokokoko but the fanservice and power system makes it hard for me to take the story seriously


Meanwhile, the Bros laugh with sadistic pleasure of the inevitable carnage that was bound to occur as a result of this poll creation... Overlord, take my energy! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


I feel like in the near future the loser of this poll will get reacted to anyways XD


trigger >> madhouse


hope one day u can reacted to Oregairu


This is our chance to see a good Kill la kill reaction.


Well, they already wear the drills from Gurren Lagann, guess they'll know what they're getting into with KLK


OK. I do like Overlord. It's a very interesting isekai anime/novel. A main Character being a evil skeleton and a villain(to the human)? That is somthing you call awesome. But to be honest, the animation from madhouse isn't very good. Actually the frist season was made with low budget and it was an unexpectedly huge success. And as everybody knows huge success means a new season. But season 2 wasn't very good as expected. It still had it's low budget quality animation as season 1, skip important Psychological description, bad battle scene and direction, failed Volume control(seriously! why did they give the lizardman part 4+α episode? it only had to had 2 episode). What I'm trying to say is that I really like Overlord. I read the novel when it first came out. I do want the sos bros to watch it too. But to compare with KIL? I don't think so. I won't talk how much KLK is a cool, fun, awsom anime. You should see for yourself. And KLK has only 25 episode. Overlord can have a next time.


damn it, didn't know KLK had so many fans.. hm :'(


Still 3 days to go! Lot can happen between now and then!


Kill la Kill has been consistently 30 votes ahead for the past 8 hours, if anybody wants to spend 40$, they can put Overlord in a good place.


Cmon lets give these DnD lovers Overlord!

Andy L

I originally voted for Food Wars so I couldn't care less which one of these shows win. So, with that being said... explain/convince me to vote for your anime of choice.


Kill La Kill was made by mostly the same people as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and has a very similar feel to it.


Again a loss -.- You are running out of shows for me to watch Now i only have HxH... Im quite sad tbh EDIT: I forgot that I also watch Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso So i take that "now I only have HxH" back still very thin atm


if you provide the accounts ill provide the money EDIT: For people who are restistant to sarcasm: THIS IS A JOKE goddammit. What is going on with you people. Calm down


If you want a good Plot watch overlord If you want good animated but weird fights watch KLK For me without a doubt Plot >>>>>>>>>> Fights










Why'd you have to do a second poll..? Now all the FanService people have united against an actual good story... I'm not so sure Caleb & Jacob are the kind of people who appreciate ecchi shows. ( T_T)




Overlord is a bit like DnD right?




kill la kill overall more popular lets go klk

Minashiro Soushi

Stop spamming comments with nothing but hype, please. I’m actually reading them and it’s really annoying.


Ace: You are being hella annoying, please stop.


Luckily there's 2 days left in the poll! Anything can happen at this point like it did with the prelim, so let's give our evil hope for Bone Daddy~!


I pity thee whom fallen prey to the evil of this "FanService"


I mean shit I never once consider trying DnD or Pathfinder until I started reading and watching Overlord, I'm sure it'll tickle the DnD player that composes 65% of their bodies!


ikr? fuckin annoying. make 1 top level comment and comment on other comments. Its not that hard


Wouldn't mind either of them. Overlord first good attempt at a Isekai and Kill la Kill is easily the best "this is not fanservice" anime.


This comment deserves some Bone and Thread brand praise. Give this man a Skele-head and a pair of scissors!


Yep! The creator is a hardcore DnD player and came up with and started writing Overlord after his friends became too busy and overloaded with work to play with him :,3


Sad that Food Wars didn't make it to final poll, but it's okay because these two are great as well. Time to vote for Bone Daddy

Nico Sun

I'l vote for Overlord all day, i think it fits the best


Kill La Kill is one of those rare anime where you never know what gonna happen which makes a great anime and has a main where it all started at the bottom . While Overlord is one of those where we can predict ahead and has a OP main


I hope we don’t come to regret this but now I’m officially just here for hunter x hunter


Except KLK had plenty of predictable moments? Besides they may or may not find certain things predictable and even if they do that doesn't mean it'll lessen their enjoyment of that moment.


me too... Except your lie in april, though im not really looking forward to those episodes. I just watch them as soon as they come out


Keep it civil in the comments guys xD We get heated in our love of the animuus, but please stay calm! As long as overlord wins its all good :*


Go Go Kill La Kill


Kill la Kill <3


Kill la Kill hype is back hahaha


we KLK fan will nvr stop we have been revive we are KLK FANS we slept since 2014 but now the hype is backand we will rise


Mmm Hard Choices >< But I vote for Overlord ^^

Dedotated Wam

As long as Overlord fans won't quit being salty as fuck and constantly trying to slander KLK we're not gonna stop drowning out those comments. Vote and leave people


Dude the salt is heavy on both fronts 😂 the amount of salty bois when Overlord beat KLK in the first poll round was insane. Were all spoiled salty bois on the inside.


WE will defend KLK pride


Pls overlord


come on servants of the supreme being, vote for your beloved overlord....


we KLK FANS NEVER LOSE OUR WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First Violet Evergarden now KLK? Faith in this fanbase increasing. :D


Albedo fanboys unite!


Yeah, for sure. I think its quite clear what the we want haha xD


we need a fresh o;d school anime , there where KLK come . great story , comedy , character and most of all OG anime


Dude stop it. You can argue anything but you cant tell me KLK has a good story because it has not. Story is mediocre at best Only pros of KLK are the fights and comedy. Thats it


top comment will stay KLK


I’d like to apologize on behalf of the other Kill la Kill voters. Not all of us agree with the ludicrous amount of spamming.


I appreciate it. Though I think its only Ace thats spaming


I want Kill La Kill so badly.


I leave the comment section n wait out till the poll over


Hope for Assassination classroom next hehe

Connor Brown

Oh god please, Kill la Kill would be a perfect fit for you guys!

Melker Linderoth

Oh please. Overlord is so close to winning.


Can't keep bone daddy down!


I just voted Overlord with the hope they won't watch S2 xd


Come on KLK don’t lose your way


OT: How can I access the Discord server I just cant find it


Gotta link your patreon to your discord. Got to settings and then account~


Overlord has overtaken Kill la Kill in votes once again, will Kill la Kill regain the lead this time around or will we be stuck on Mr. Bones’ wild ride until the poll closes?




Yes over wining


Overlord wining

Michał Zienkiewicz

I sure hope Overlord will win ONLY BECAUSE THE KLK FANDOM SEEMS FKIN ANNOYING. they have no chill. Axis cult from Konosuba, seriously. Get fked xD for wasting my time over ur bullcrap guys. Thx


Keep it civil guys. Both shows are awesome. But Mr. Bones Wild Ride never ends.


The comment section in these voting polls are so entertaining lmao


I just wanna watch something I actually care about. So KLK please

Johan Larsson

I am 1000000000 procent sure that kill la kill is way better than overlord, but I have already seen it. so I voted for overlord. :D sorry

Jacky Lin

how incredibly close these 2 are is becoming hilarious to me

CZ2 Delta

If it was Akame Ga Kill I'd understand... but fan service kill la kill really? Who wants to see nude schoolgirls fight unrealistic and pointless battles?


Overlord boys come on . Come on. Get in !!!


Per Caleb, FACTIONs are coming again. Make sure to vote correctly, or you'll only be raised as a lesser undead.


damn 575 to 574, I've never seen a poll this close before


i have return (:


i woke up to this no i will commence the hype


just kid hahahaha . "sigh" i join the patreon just to vote KLK hoping it will win . oh well ):


A freaking DRAW? Hahaha


Are the polls usually this close?


If you look at the numbers less than 1/2 of the patreon's have voted and there's still 2 days left. A lot could change in 2 days.


Dam this is close.

Dedotated Wam

I can't prove anything but a lot of the Overlord fans were talking about paying to rig the poll. If that's true I'm cancelling my patronage and leaving this community. You are all toxic assholes. This is why the anime community is one of the most toxic and xenophobic ever to exist

Dedotated Wam

You think its okay to rant at someone just because they value different things in entertainment media? Losers, the lot of you


Be excellent to each other.


Hewwo OwO


the bad thing is that if the tie keeps up until the end, i could see actual rigging happening


im confused why is this going to another poll when overlord won on the last one unless it didnt load right for me

Travis Saar

Yo someone voting for Overlord wanna switch to cause MAXIMUM CHAOS


Kinda find this poll biased since a lot of people are going to vote for overlord based on seasons coming out recently.


i try not to comment cause some people don't like that i'm cheering for the anime that i want them to react but seeing that there "toxic" , jesus . it just to show that some people want KLK cause its old and there not many good reactor to react on it cause they all watch it already and overlord is sort of fresh cause it is in S3 ( best season ) . i already took a step back cause some people can't take "spamming" "face palm" . It not like u see my comment every min , but oh well that toxic i guess.


It's a vote, as in, someone's opinion. Let people vote how they want. What is with the shaming going on all sides here? Bias this, rigging that, I get that people have favorite shows they want the Bros to see, but seriously, are you here for the discussions or just people to reinforce your ideas of what you like? Whatever wins, the bros will react in their usual entertaining manner. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch.


why people are getting so salty about this tournament, in reality because it is this close they are probably going to watch both at some point lol


It was less about you cheering and more because you were making dozens of new comments in a row over and over to an insane degree. It'd be best to make one top level comment and put the rest in the replies if you want to keep the frequency the same


Whatever ends up winning, lets all get along. We all love these SOS Bros right? It's gonna be good whatever happens!


it all started when a certain someone said stop "spamming" i get trigger , so i go back in and get heat up in the comments . they want to start it , i will bring it


regardless of what is happening, i've had this much fun or been a part of a community in my whole life than the last two days on here and the discord.

zeid c

This thread is really entertaining lmfao I don't even care which show wins now but man I had a great laugh from all these comments


Holy shit, I didn't realise it was literally a tie


It's so close it's painful

Loro Lukic

You're being as bad as him now lmao


Small point out to the the vocal MINORITY of KLK and Overlord supporters. Yelling and screaming, complaining and insulting will probably HURT your cause more than help. Make a comment about why you like your show, but all this raging will probably turn people away from being associated with you. Let's keep it civil. Personally, I am voting Overlord because it is SOOOOOO rare to see a true evil villain. And not chaotic evil (burn everything kill the pets etc) but Neutral Evil! By far my favorite alignment in D&D, due to how versatile it is in roleplaying.


So close

Jaime Soto

are polls usually this close in votes? It's making me NERVOUS


As a fan of both series, I have to go with Kill la Kill on this one. The bros would probably quite enjoy Overlord as well, but KLK is essentially the spiritual successor to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, an amazing show that they have already shown immense love for. KLK also has fantastic characters, themes, plot-twists, comedy, nudity that - most of the time - doesn’t stray into obnoxious fanservice territory and actually has surprisingly impactful narrative and thematic purpose, an epic soundtrack, and gorgeous sakuga that all coalesces into a fantastic ride of a series. My apologies to fellow Overlord fans, but Kill la Kill wins my vote by a landslide.


I hope they will end up watching both series after one is finished. The poll is too close and whichever wins, half of us are not gonna like it. It's a shame that this comment section has become so toxic just because of this.


it really shows how good kill la kill is when it ended years ago and is so close to an anime currently in its hype mode of airing. i get the feeling if overlord wasn't currently airing kill la kill would be further ahead


Both shows are really good. Do we get both if it's 50/50?


How about we all live in harmony by tacking the "Bone" of Overlord and the cast of KLK and combine those to bone the cast of KLK?

Marek Siciński

Our road has not yet ended, comrade, look far ahead!


KLK is genre defining, i hope it wins 😱


holy shit this poll is so even


I have never seen a popularity poll so close, for so long. KLK and Overlord battling it out, and there is no clear winner in sight, even now, with less than a day left to decide the next anime.

thomas McBride

There's still more than a day! I'd say the problem might be with the people taking a 1$ pledge so they can vote multiple times in the polls. We've gained more than 6 new 1$ pledges in a day now, (usually it's one per day at most), and Overlord is winning by 5 votes. Pretty close poll for sure!

Marek Siciński

lol the point of the nudity is npt 'fanservice', it is part of the whole aesthetic spectacle

Daniel Marklund

I tried watching overlord but I really didn't like the plot at all, it looks nice and all but it's not for me


How about the bros just react to both? Just squeeze it in, other people pump out more videos with more editing, and the bros make over 13000 dollars from this, it should be within the realm of possibilities, especially if its just 1 episode per week from each.


Thats true tho Problem is only that people will demand more and more. ive seen it multiple times with multiple youtubers. If give one part of the group a benefit of that kind, the other part demands it as well


Ok, That's fair😊 KLK isn't really doing anything for me when it comes to plot and animation, the fight scenes where fun sometimes though. Different people, different taste, right? 😉


this is good....so, just wondering....will they watch dub or sub? cause the overlord dub is shit....


More than 50% of all the patreons have voted for this poll, quite insane :D

Marek Siciński

10 more votes for epic scissor girl?


hopefully since these two are so close to each other, they will eventually react to both. I love both of these shows.


Overlord very nice


Come on Kill la Kill, you can do it! Don't lose your way!

Marek Siciński

It was so close,, we can't let it end now, not like this! Your vote still counts, there is still almost half of all subscribers who haven't voted yet?

Marek Siciński

Ok, I need a Gallup poll- have there been any people here who voted in the last one but don't care for either of these?

Travis Saar

Gotta admit that I'm salty because if Overlord wasn't currently airing it wouldn't stand a chance


Keep calm and vote for papi bones.

Connor Brown

Come on Trigger Fans! Dont let the Bros lose their way! Its not looking good, and just imagining them react to so many hype moments brings a smile to my face.

Loro Lukic

This latest episode of Overlord holy shit!!!


no offense but KLK stands no chance against Thick Bone Daddy


Yeah its starting to look that way lol. Maybe one day Ill get a KLK reaction!


I hope Overlord fans won't throw a bitch fit if the bros criticize it a little. I suspect they might.


thats basically true of most things, I think. I find that most people don't handle critisism of things they like well (on the internet, anyway). honestly, I love overlord but I just don't think its a very good series for the bros to react to :/

Michał Zienkiewicz

whoever wins I will be ook with the outcome. Tbh although I do believe Overlord is a better show, it s because of the source material. the tv anime tiself is kinda messy. They omitted too much characterisation imho. Too shallow. Also, KLK is so unique I just dislike it. I got bored with the show as it s basically the sjw propaganda for me XD ofc kidding BUT~ it is a show about freeing yourself from the enemies we all carry inside. the themes are glorious but I dislike the disco style too much. annoying. I love the music however.... Well, we shall see.

Marek Siciński

lol 'sjw'? if it is in anything in a galaxy related to that, its in opposition to it


We need Noragami on a future poll please


I'm kinda hoping that 100 kill la kill fans voted for overlord the whole time just to switch their votes at the end to kill la kill, now THAT would be funny.

Teddy Hernandez

Interesting finals, since these shows are almost polar opposites in terms of pacing. KLK is blindingly fast with some slow breather moments, while Overlord is molasses slow with moments of insanity.


Don’t want to jinx but, overlord ?


After the latest episode I'm not so sure how I feel about bone daddy anymore....but then again, that would make for an interesting reaction, so....yeah, still overlord.


it's still anyone's game!


I mean what did you expect? he was portrayed this way since the start. Nothing changed lol


Just a friendly reminder to everyone voting on the poll. Don't lose your way!


when does it end?


This has got to be the closest poll I've ever seen, about a 1% gap between the shows, credit to both fanbases no matter who wins


Kill la Kill is such a fun show. I do hope it prevails against the odds.


Yeah but now think about it, the bros only react to 1 episode per week, so wouldn't a slow paced anime be bad where they get bored easily? Binge watching a slow anime might work and even then it can feel dragged out, now imagine you do 1 episode per week. A slow build up of 4 episodes would equivalate to a month of barely anything happening. Because of this I think kill la kill makes more sense for the bros, since each episode would be quite the ride for them and would give them enough episode content to react to / talk about.


The gap closes again. This is so intense


Overlord 666 votes, satan confirmed


Overlord in the dying minutes with the lead here. Can KLK pull an equaliser this late in the game. It’s neck an neck folks


Who wins here comes for eternal glory: the champions league trophy anime edition


what time does the poll end ?

Connor Brown

With less than 1 hour to go I dont think the Hype Thrusters are going to engage this time. I hope the Bros take notice of how big this poll got and end up watching KLK in the near future.


Skeletons, assemble!


It would be fun if it ends in a draw.


Reminder for those on the fence, KLK has fewer episodes ;)


10 minutes?


I'm clenching my teeth so hard it's giving me a headache.


My heart hurts


I'm almost in tears right now, I want Kill la Kill to win so badly.

Connor Brown



holy moly 666 - 666 right now

Sword Saint

This is so close wow.


Satan has the poll


Come on guys. Don't lose your way.

Sword Saint

Dont be afraid


The votes






Holy shit, they are literally neck and neck. Who's gonna win this?


I can't handle this, I'm just gonna check back in ~30 mins when the poll closes and see who won.


what if it’s a tie ?!!?


im finna make 10 accounts


This poll is more exciting than either of the shows


At this point they should just watch both lol


With hypethrusters like this, they'll watch both sometime or another. :)


I'm so conflicted I'm literally sweating


Been listening to Before My Body Is Dry for 10 minutes straight now...




I have a strange feeling some has made a bunch of accounts which just means some of the votes are fake therefore I declare it a draw


There's no evidence of tampering. It just looks like late voting and vote flipping.


I need to see bone daddy


I have awoken to bring the hype, it is KLK time my dudes


gg KLK witht he last minute landslide


Damnit I think we have a winner rip overlord




Ok so now that we got a 10 vote gap im gonna be real. I have spent the last 20 min changing my vote back and fourth trying to force a tie lmao. 😈


I'm wondering if yesterday's particularly bleak Overlord episode made a few people switch over to KLK



Dave Lorenz

Aww man its not that i dislike KLK or anything I just don't want to watch it again


It's been a rollercoaster I just hope overlord gets a second chance

Princess Paladin

Probably people just waiting until the last minute to vote so that people who might otherwise have not voted due to thinking the results were guaranteed don't have a chance to notice and do anything about it. It's happened before.


Goddamn vote flippers, Overlord went down a bunch of votes in the last few minutes... :/



Daniel Brown

What a landslide of 50.44%


Feels bad overlord is so great the main character is not a pussy like all other isseki anime


You were worthy opponents and this battle was hard-fought, Overlord fans. Best of luck to you guys in future polls.


So Overlord is the only show that has to win 2 polls to get chosen, and also Kill la Kill jumps like 15+ votes in the last 5 minutes, meanwhile Overlord drops. This whole poll has just left me feeling cheated.


Kill la kill winning as a Trigger show should, in last second and through the sheer determination.


Feels bad man I honestly think that people made last second accounts so the klk can win

Marek Siciński

huh, it just feels so nervous and haggard to not be sure if we won by a last bound of cheating

Travis Saar

Not gonna lie came to check the final results and expected to be disappointment (Since I checked with less than 2 hours to go). Super excited by this insane turn of events and its been the most fun (and frustration) I've had following some random poll in my life. Hopefully Overlord can be put on a poll and I'm pretty sure it'll win (lol) and then we can get 2 awesome shows. Not gonna lie and say I'm not happy to see Kill La Kill go first though.


I’m sad, I wanted Overlord to win so bad :((


I hope they’ll make a video or post addressing this soon. I want to hear it from their perspective


Don't get salty if your show didn't win lmao


Tournament poll


Can't say I am happy at the outcome, but I am happy for KLK fans. Enjoy your win. Bone Daddy will return :)


ahahhaha YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we didn't lose our way hahahahahahah



dale cunningham

Not knocking Overlord..........But YES! Looking forward to the madness.


Overlord need to wait for the next poll or not . Just be patience . Maybe overlord will win the next poll depends on the selection . if they go against the likes Assassination Classroom , they lose .


Overlord is a great series in it's own right, but having watched both, I'd honestly say I'd enjoy the bros' reaction to Kill la Kill far more




Come on Kou, we Overlord fans are better than that. Eveeen if KLK used cash shop items. Ains Ooal Gown does not know defeat. (Obvious joke and reference to Overlord before people assume I am promoting some rigging fantasy)

A Suresh



Guess I'll have to skip this one then Looking forward for in 24 weeks


I hope they get something good until HxH ends... Or else I have no reason to stay.. And Im not mad or so. Its just that SOS runs out of shows for me to watch

Melker Linderoth

It was so close. Overlord will return anyways, so it's not the end of the world.


Nice! I love Overlord, but Kill la Kill is a series no fan of TTGL should miss.


i wish i had the money to make a bunch of 1 dollar accounts to vote my show to victory

Marek Siciński

lol implying no overlord person tried to do that. 10 overlord people just dropped off


Yeyeyeye let's go KLK woooo

Minashiro Soushi

I'll never get this... Like, yeah, KLK is fun and all, but it's nowhere near TTGL. Art style, direction and music are top-notch. Plot? Depth? World building? Character development? Don't think so.


Thats a letdown :(


overlord is overhyped + the last seasons have no budget


vote for kill la kill

Minashiro Soushi

Dude, I don't know how to say it... you're couple days late to the party, kind of xD


Oh wow this poll was crazy, a rollercoaster of emotion. Im glad KLK won it, i dont think it gets enough love, also by the time they finish Overlord s3, s4 might be around the corner so thats pretty cool.


YES!! KLK!! But I do want to watch SOS Bros reacting Overlord too. maby in the next poll.


That moment when the last season has best animation out off all the seasons ye no budget. Also what does budget have to do with anything.


This was a crazy fun poll round! :D Hoping we get Overlord in the future!


There was some vote manipulation as to which side I dunno. Yesterday we had 191 $1 patreons there are now 183. I understand keeping it low so youtubers can vote too. Maybe future votes at least require $5 tier.


if they're getting the "pay when you pledge and then the start of each month" setting who cares if some people give them a few more bucks to vote for the show they want? how is it vote manipulation if they're actually paying the cost to vote?

Michał Zienkiewicz

Basically u believe the KLK ppl literally swarmed here for $1 to vote? And what s wrong with that. Well, if they cancelled immediately, they would do so even with higher tiers. I mean, is there even a penalty for this? Semblances dont charge per work. I am not sure if they would even be charged that $1 if they r here fir several days n watch nothing but vote. Probably, but... well, they should be charged one dollar 29 cents. At least. :p


Michal I didn't accuse either side you came up with that on your own. Its still going down 176 now.


Lol that accusation He literally said "as to which side I dunno" and just put an Idea to prevent it for the next time. I could make an accusation that if Overlord wonyou would cry "VOTE MANIPULATION" but im not doing it ;) This was a textbook case of Cathy Newman syndrome


Thank you Yuion, Its still going down 174. A curious thing.


I dont get why people like Overlord.. Same mmorpg fantasy setting as 20000 other animes


I couldn't get trough the 1st episode.. It was too boring and one of the rare times I dropped a series without watching at least 2 episodes.. Why do you think I should give it a new try I'm curious 🤔


Spoilers galore. Overlord isn't trapped in a game. Every 100 years ppl who were online have been teleported to this world. The "Overlord" is the most recent. Its why the world resembles a game previous people built the governments, made the adventures guild, and taught the world magic. This doesn't get hinted at until season 2 which imo made the anime a lot more fun.


It's just as Vern said, it isn't a typical isekai, far from it


I don't care about either of these shows but I'm happy with the result because Kill la Kill is a bit shorter, which means it will be replaced sooner, hopefully by something more interesting.


There's no universe where Kill la Kill isn't interesting. This is a situation where it purely comes down to personal taste. KLK is very good but it may not be what some people are looking for.


I wonder if they would consider trying out the dub after they watch episode 1 the normal way?


Fair enough Dylan, I should have said something that I find more interesting


I mean is this actually a new thing? Kll freely admit that i made this account purely because i wanted a kill la kill reaction lol. But i paid my dollar so i have the right to vote and cancel it right? Ill probably pay for early access reaction if that makes it better.


I hope they don't watch the dub. Most of the jokes don't work well when dubbed so they ended up being rewritten to be a different joke.

uwu owo

they wont watch the dub, hell no.


Just a thought. Maybe, after the show they wanted won, they moved up a tier. Hm. Hmmmm. No, that makes no sense, right?


Damn I missed the poll but at least Kill la Kill won lol


Im just saying its not vote manipulation if we paid the dollar to vote then cancel afterwards. Thats just how the pool works. So most of the decrease in patrons could just be youtube voters like me who wanted our say.


dammnit with Overlord they wouldve had 3 seasons of GREATNESS!


wow, how great must Kill la Kill be to beat Overlord? Kinda sad about that lol

Travis Saar

It's really great. Like one of the best Anime of the past decade. definitely watch it if you haven't


after watching kill la kill it's kinda shit for my taste


Kill la kill? What kind of shit is this?


I cant believe they still didn't watch Overlord...