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I was waiting for this!!!!


I teared up when I watched this episode man. So powerful!


This episode always feels so intense when I watch it.


I also think you guys are selling Aoba Johsai a little bit short with the best 6 theory. Some of the characters don't get as much shine, true, but that honestly is just cuz they aren't the protagonists of the show. You contrast them against Nekoma, but they have the same condition as Aoba... we mostly know of just Kuro, Lev, Kenma, and reverse-Tanaka mohawk dude. It's a bit simplistic to distill a team's effort and performance down to the screen time of it's characters is all.


Oh my gOD I feel like I watched the episode again for the first time, didn’t expect to get /so/ hyped! My heart’s still pounding. Some things I want to make clear: >The coach Oikawa spoke to is unknown >Oikawa can set from out of bonds — he had to jump because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to toss the ball properly, especially not for a quick. He could’ve actually just returned it without endangering himself and flying into the tables, that’s what Karasuno thought he was going to do when they yelled, “Chance ball!”. >I believe Oikawa has been playing approximately from primary school (judging by how they look with Iwaizumi in the flashbacks from season one), and Kageyama has been playing since the second grade of primary school. “This music is absolutely amazing” HELL YES TO THIS! Yuki Hayashi is a god honestly. The OST of the final play, Head-on Fight, is literally hype itself. The composer, who’s nicknamed Hypeyashi, is also behind the outstanding OST for BNHA in case you don’t know. I really liked how they showed fans in this episode, because seeing them so tense makes you tense and just uuUUH. Good stuff. A tiny nice thing was Hinata genuinely admiring Iwaizumi’s receives, I mean that was absolutely breathtaking, and I like it especially because Hinata is an aspiring ace after all. Another round of applause to Iwaizumi, my heart nearly stopped again. “Oh god he’s serving” — the biggest mood. Really liked how they included a few flashbacks in Daichi’s epic receive, and the flow was great too (and of course top-notch serves from Oikawa). I’m glad you noticed the parallels with the previous game! It was especially meaningful with Sugawara on the floor too T_T And that sudden flashback punch? My face was exactly the same as yours when I first saw it. It was perfect to make us hurt all the more. The conversation with the coach was absolutely brilliant. Doesn’t really blur the reality of things but still gives you a motivational boost and things to think about. Another thing you mentioned was Oikawa realising that Tobio was going to surpass him — he did say it in the first season, that eventually that is going to happen. Q_Q I just love all Oikawa’s quotes from this episode, his musings are incredibly relatable and are just so, so beautifully written. “If you don’t believe in it, it’ll probably never happen.” And the “Talent is something you make bloom, instincts is something you polish” — I believe that in this quote “instincts” means “the abilities you were originally born with” basically; in Japanese the word “sense” is used. But I think there’s some room for interpretation. Great note on Oikawa respecting talent too, I like how he respects Kageyama as a player (even though he clearly won’t show it lol). Oikawa’s long toss… Hoo boy. It’s not shown in the anime, but in the manga as the main Aobajousai coach watches Oikawa jump he thinks, “I always thought highly of him, but it seems that I still underestimated Oikawa.” Got a nervous giggle when you said that Oikawa can’t try much harder, because we indeed had so many hints for it: overtraining in junior high, Nishinoya’s comments on how much he had to work to hone his serve so much, and I’m not sure if you noticed, but Oikawa’s wearing a knee brace too, which might be a consequence of overtraining (but that has not been confirmed). To be honest, I find it quite sad and poetic that it was Oikawa who failed to receive Hinata’s spike properly, especially since he realized where it was coming. He was the one to tell Karasuno that you don’t get good at receives overnight, and he put so much effort in setting and serving, but he had to take a final hit like this. Not to mention that out of Aobajousai members this game meant the most for him, and that he’s the captain (remember how third years said that they trust him in the end, breaking Oikawa’s usual ritual?), and that he’s the third year and now I’m said again and nothing is okay and I’m just gonna stop myself here. I have to run now, but “Haikyuu sTOP SPOILING ME” is the eternal mood. Thank you for such a great reaction, it was absolutely worth the wait!


If this game made you guys this excited I’m worried one of you guys’ll have a heart attack in season 3.

Andy L

Talent is something you make bloom. Instinct is something you polish!

Tammi M

Applause to you. Everything you said, YES! XD They're starting Haikyuu caused me to re-watch it like five times lol. So good and just had me pumped!! I also, didn't know that about the OST and the BNHA relation! It all makes sense now! :D

Tammi M

Man, I didn't know how to react after this episode - it was so hype and the intensity and desperation on both sides of the net were so strong. When Oikawa didn't receive Hinata's last attack properly and that ball flies off - the silence that hits when it falls back down and bounces off... I'm both relieved and happy for Karasuno yet sad for Aoba Johsai. Such a fantastic close! That ending song too, really hits ya in the feels afterward too. Loved hearing the discussion guys (and enjoyed your hype throughout) and with season 2 wrapping up next week... Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for season 3. You're in for a wild ride!

Ira Ramirez

I hope they get to watch the extra aoba johsai snippet that wasn’t in the anime :( it’s pretty important


That rally to get the winning point is just insane. I know there's still one more episode but I'm excited for you guys to start reacting to season 3!


Im so glad they caught the mirrored interaction between Kageyama and Oikawa from the first season. Oh how the turntables floor king Muahahaha

Kuro Sun

I really feel Jacob's love to Tsukishima. lol




Man this episode still hits me so hard. The first time I watched Haikyuu I was totally rooting for Karasuno, but after rewatching so many times and picking up all the subtle details woven through about various characters and their underlying complexities, I have to say that I am now completely with Aoba Johsai. You don't notice much upon the first run through of the show because the characters with more screen time consume all of your attention, but the small interactions within Seijoh actually reveal a lot about their players. The four Seijoh 3rd years all serve as a solid foundation for their team, not just Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Hanamaki (Makki) and Matsukawa (Mattsun) are always anticipating and thinking of ways to counteract the opposing team's plays, and Hinata's most hated type of blocking has been stated to be Matsukawa's. Oikawa definitely has the strongest drive (arguably more than any other player in this anime), but I wouldn't say that the rest of his team lacks in determination either. Watari is a a setter turned libero, which couldn't have been an easy decision, and later inspired Nishinoya's technical development. Yahaba sets aside his personal feelings for the good of the team and wall slams Kyoutani into gear. Kindaichi adjusts to a completely new rhythm of jumping/spiking in order to capitalize on his height. Kunimi's found a team who appreciates his cerebral mindset and can now work on developing his own style of play. They've all worked on bringing their serves to the next level, and they also all brainstorm as a team, with little interference or guidance from their coaches. As for the best 6, it went to Karasuno this time, but for overall team dynamic I think it would still belong to Seijoh or Nekoma (and really if they played again, I still think it would've been a toss up. The match was so close, and Oikawa was in a perfect position to receive if the ball hadn't hit the block's finger first). Ushijima claims that Oikawa is the one pulling Seijoh, but that's not actually true. Oikawa is definitely more skilled considering how he lives and breathes volleyball, but he can get so wrapped up in it to the point where he disregards his own health and welfare (his knee injury, sacrificing sleep to study games, etc). When he gets pushed into a corner mentally, it's his team that supports him and pulls him back, and he does the same for them by pulling out all of the potential they have to offer (compare how differently he approached Kindaichi's height/reach and Kunimi's attitude towards the game compared to Kageyama. Granted, Kageyama was ostracized at Kitagawa Daiichi, which was terrible, but that was the result of him pushing his teammates to the breaking point without taking the time to think about how to communicate properly, let alone his teammates' own thoughts and perspectives). Oikawa trusts in his team, as he always says before each game, and they trust in him, despite their antics. Even their merciless teasing (like the ramen for serve misses thing) suggests that they know how hard he's been working on improving his jump serves and is used to take some of the pressure he might be feeling off. His team as a whole grounds and stabilizes him. Oikawa might've won if he'd gone to Shiratorizawa, but I doubt he'd have grown so much as a player, leader, or person if he had. His musings this episode just show how much further he can go, despite how much this loss hurts. That aside, Karasuno definitely has great players as well, but they're still coming together as a team, even now. Tsukishima's growth and development as a player, for example, was largely left up to Kuroo and Bokuto's scheming and cajoling, rather than anyone on his team stepping in to work with him on blocking. Daichi wasn't worried about it, but maybe he should've been, given that it was only Kuroo's generosity and dreams of the Battle of the Garbage Dump that catalyzed the improvement of Tsukki's skills. I'm sure that Yamaguchi wouldn't have let him slack off anymore, but who knows if the technical aspect of it all would've been enough to win them this match without the 3rd gym's influence. On the other hand, Kyoutani struggled to get along with the team when it had Seijoh's previous 3rd years, but under Oikawa's captaincy, and Yahaba by extension, despite being skeptical at first they actively sought to bring him into the fold. Even Suga, who is an amazing team player, says that he can't imagine how he would handle someone like Kyoutani being on his team. I could go on and on, especially about some of the things that slipped by about Kageyama and Shiratorizawa, but I'll end my stream of rambling thoughts here for now at the risk of spoilers xD Can't wait for season 3!

Sen Ogino

I completely agree with you. To be fair, though, this is their first run through of the show, and for me personally, I didn't completely appreciate Seijoh and learn all their team members' names and quirks until my second, third, fourth watch of the show. I think when they rewatch this in the future, they will realize how central to the team the other members are.

Sen Ogino

I feel the same way! When I first watched this, I was like the bros and was over the moon when Karasuno won. But now, it's a completely bittersweet feeling, because as I've gotten to know the characters better on my (countless) rewatches, I can't help but feel sad for Seijoh. I wish Oikawa got a chance to defeat Ushiwaka, but well...hopefully they'll show third years' college lives in the manga.

Ousmane Dembele

You guys need to realise that Oikawa and Kageyama don't have a good relationship because of Oikawa's ego/"selfishness". Kageyama learned a lot from watching Oikawa play, but you can assume that despite the "teasing" thing Oikawa does to Kageyama, he didn't actually guide/teach him at all in junior high, and just threw himself into training hard. The only time he helped Kageyama is probably his speech to help Tobio recreate the quick earlier in the season. Imagine if they had a good relationship through junior high, what a pity.

Sen Ogino

Man, this episode is so intense and amazing. I loved Oikawa's conversation with the coach: "Complain about others' natural talents once you've done everything for yourself." It's a great motivator, even if it doesn't sound too optimistic. Yes, there'll be others who'll be better than you, but that's no excuse to limit yourself. And then Oikawa's line: "Talent is something you make bloom; instinct is something you polish!" makes their loss even sadder. During my first watch, I couldn't care less about Seijoh losing and was so happy about Karasuno's win, but now...I don't know whether to feel happy or sad haha. Haikyuu is one of those shows where you just want everyone to win.


The one with the bright red hair! Can't wait for you guys to meet him :D


Jacob just rooting for Tsuki's "moment" for so long..... :)


I've been waiting for this reaction since you guys started this series! Now more scream time for seanson 3!


Toho blocked the video in my country.....


It’s blocked


Fuck,it got blocked.

Ronald Costa

can you do something about the fact that is blocked ? really excited to see this

