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SOS Bros React - Haikyuu Season 2 Episode 7 -

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Smoked Ham

Lets goooo

Miracle Holmes

I've been waiting for this moment all my life. Tsukishima is my favorite character and his development has only just begun

Smoked Ham

Same here, I CAN'T WAIT for the next episode! Yamaguchi and Tsukkishima!


Hoo boy, next episode's gonna be so lit. Your discussions make me want to rewatch the damn thing over and over again even though I can quote a major part of it by heart at this point :"D And I really love that you keep noticing the little things, because they play such a big role in Haikyuu, both foreshadowing stuff and making you fall deeper into this volleyball pit. Characters are so well fleshed out I could just watch them eat watermelons for the entire episode and not get bored. Thanks for a great discussion!

Ira Ramirez



that guy's name is bokuto!!! he's one of my faves :))


spiky hair no.4 named Bokuto!

Johanna Gustavsson

AAAAHHH, this episode and the coming ones are my favourites of this season! And Kuroo's buddy is Bokuto ;) And then Bokuto's friend, the setter on his team, is Akaashi (maybe not as important but he's one of my babies!)

Sen Ogino

I've been waiting for you guys to get here for soooo long! Tsukki was such a dick when he was first introduced, but by the end of the series, he was catapulted to the front as my favorite Haikyuu character along with Suga. Your theories and speculations are really interesting to hear. I really like how much you guys can extract from an episode even though technically, Tsukki's motivations haven't been revealed yet. Also, I'm glad you guys noticed it, too! I remember watching this episode and feeling my foreshadowing senses blaring when Shimizu was talking about the injuries. Will it actually happen? I don't know, but we'll see. I can barely wait for next week!

Lynda Jaeger

Agreed!!!! It is definitely in my top ten moments of this show...probably number 3.

Tammi M

I know - I keep rewatching the episodes because of their discussions! Though I think this time around Jacob is more in tune where Tsukkishima is concerned. :) This show is just indescribably amazing!

Sen Ogino

I think everyone has haha. Today is a glorious day! (And so is next week :D)

Tammi M

*Clap* Go! *Clap* Go! *Clap* Go! Love when Daichi gives the command every time they lose a match. Hahaha just fantastic. AH man, this show is so dang fantastic!


Oh next week come sooner! You'll be so fulfilled with the next episode :)

Sen Ogino

Me too! I've lost count on how many times I've rewatched the whole series since they started reacting to it. Just yesterday, I watched from S2E7 to the end of the third season haha. It's like every time I watch their reactions, I watch the next episode up to the end of the series. I'm going to quote Caleb (who says this nearly every episode lol): "God, I love Haikyuu!"

Sen Ogino

I forgot to mention: Tsukki isn't the one who says, "So he somehow didn't make it into the top three, huh?" It's actually Akaashi, the setter for Fukurodani. I don't blame you guys, because I thought Tsukki was the one who says it when I first watched this ep.


"Once in a blue moon..."


Tsukki has one of the best character developments in this show, hes like my top 3-5

Jaguar Man

mmn... that scene. Ughhh it's such a long wait. Worth it though, for Tsukishima development.

Milen Varbanov

Get ready for episode 8 guys, it's happening.