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SOS Bros React - Monster Episode 11 - All You Need Is Love

Oh come on, really?? Why must you do this Monster?! *sigh* Wow...what an episode. That was some prime emotional manipulation right there. Good job Tenma, even though a part of me wishes you had shot the bastard... We'll be watching these every Monday! As always leave us your thoughts in the comments! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



that's a pretty harsh way to put it, but maybe it's a good idea to buy this series since it is so long.


Well since we're basically paying them money I think it's only fair that they should buy the series they are watching. It's not even expensive. They are making close to 8000$ a month and can't buy a show for 80$ that they are profiting from? On top of that the subtitles in whatever fan translation they are watching here are really bad


I wouldn't worry about it too much. There is not legal way to stream it so this is best. The majority of people watch it this way, so the majority of people will be familiar with these subtitles.


Yes there is a legal way. They can buy the DVD's. Also a majority of people don't make money from watching illegal streams. These guys make 8000$ a month. You should worry about that since you are basically financing theft


I'm okay with it, I pirate everything I watch. It's really not as big a deal as your making it out to be. Even if they don't purchase the DVD's, it's likely that them watching it will cause a few hundred people who haven't seen it before to go watch it. One or more of those people will support the series in some other way; buying merch, manga purchases, or DVD sales. Overall it doesn't matter since they are helping the franchise in the big picture.


That link of yours is only the first volume of 5. There isn't really a good way to watch Monster legally. There's no streaming and if you want the DVDs you have to get them from random private sellers. Also mentioning how much money they make over and over is really weird. They should get better subs though, I agree on that part.


Great discussion, I'm glad you guys are liking this show, I can't wait for the next few episodes.


You seem to have no principles if that doesn't matter to you. Now you want to make them out as heros saying because of them people will purchase the series. How disconnected from reality can you be? Sometimes I wonder why some people can't form logical arguments. There's literally now way you can defend them on this. I'm sure Urasawa would be pleased to know that these guys make a shit load of money by pirating his series, not even buying it. This is about human decency and common sense.


This argument is pointless because monster was never released on dvd in the U.S or europe so there is no way for them to actually buy it on dvd. Only volume 1 (now selling for around $200 due to rarity) was ever imported and then the license was cancelled due to a lack of sales.


Sadly, it's a little hard to buy the series since for some reason it has just completely fallen out of circulation. You can get used or bootleg versions here and there, but that's it.

Winter Chess Four

two episodes a week of Monster when another series finishes?

Sen Ogino

Just wanted to put in my thoughts on the Nature vs. Nurture argument. I definitely lean closer to the middle than you guys, but still on the Nurture side. (This turned out to be very long, so there's a tl;dr at the bottom.) Genes aren't usually a simple "on or off" mechanism (not talking about diseases that you get by simply having a specific allele). For example, there is no one "diabetic gene" or "cancer gene" -- you can be predisposed more or less to diabetes or cancer based on the collection of genotypes that you're born with. This doesn't mean that you'll certainly get diabetes or cancer once you have these genes; it just means you're more likely to. (There is also a branch within genetics that looks at the effects of the environment on gene expression called epigenetics, so even geneticists don't automatically say "nature" as some people like to think.) This is the same with sociopathy, since Johan, I believe, is a sociopath. I think Johan is genetically predisposed to sociopathy, but his past abuse was the trigger for him becoming one. I do think that anyone can be pushed far enough and become a "monster" (which totally reminds me of Episode 9 of Death Parade), but everyone has different thresholds and types of "monster" they become. This means that if Anna were put in 511 Kinderheim instead, since she is a fraternal twin and would have a different genetic make up, I think she might actually NOT become like Johan. She wouldn't necessarily become a serial killer or murderer. She could have a completely different type of response from the trauma -- maybe suicidal depression or whatever. Sure, if Johan were raised properly, he might've not become a serial killer, but being abused also doesn't necessarily mean he'd certainly become a murderer either. But yeah, it'd be better if no one was abused at all, because even if a kid doesn't end up becoming a serial killer, he'd still be traumatized and need years of therapy. tl;dr Johan is the way he is because he was predisposed to sociopathy and the abuse triggered it. Might not have become a murderer despite the abuse if he wasn't genetically predisposed. Regardless, abuse still sucks overall and will always have negative consequences.