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SOS Bros React - Saga of Tanya the Evil Episode 1 - Magical Psycho War Loli?!?

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I don't think it's even possible to predict what happens next episode.


You guys will LOVE episode 2!


This is going to be interesting. Also, Tanya is the protagonist. The position of protagonist doesn't depend on the morality or actions of the protagonist. Think of Richard III or The Picture of Dorian Gray. Both stories have protagonists that are completely deplorable in their actions and their nature, but they are the center of their story. The people who oppose them (even if they are heroes or police) are their antagonists.

Jacky Lin

i am going to binge the whole show right now


They also did give you an important clue about Tanya. She calls herself a "salaryman". That's a term that usually reserved for a kind of worker only in one country. Can you guess which one?


How did we get them to watch this show? There should be a comfy weekly slot for comfy cute girl shows like Sweetness and Lightning and Yuru Camp


No special thumbnail, 28 minute video me: What is this, early 2017 SoS????


Jacob completely guessed the Lawful Evil part. xD


YES I've been waiting for this!


*Silently Screaming*


On a side note the red baron was indeed a world war 1 fighter pilot for the German Empire not world war 2 so the comparison was accurate


Glad you are reacting to this. Keep up the good work.


The Empire wasn't the agressor. The Republic launched a suprise attack while the main army was repelling an invasion from the Entente Alliance (Scandinavia). I also love how mages are a part of this army. NOT a trump card. They're like artillery support or air support, great to have but not that usefull on its own. In the novel/series mages have more or less 3 roles: artillery observers (and yes they observe for the artillery, not other mages), being flying artillery themselves or mage hunters. A regular mage is not better than most of the standard equipment of a modern army in the show. Concentrated machine gun fire can shoot them down with flak being really dangerous. While they can outmanouver a plane those have a higher surface ceiling, which means fighters aren't obsolete. Mages have destructive spells but artillery can fire further and for longer. They don't replace a part of the military but add to it. Something I find much more interesting than one mage being able to blow up entire divisions. Sorry for the wall of text

frederik wøhliche

yeah tanya herself i quite a bit more powerful than most of the mages but that is still just one person and the mc i suppose other than her most others are not that much better than other forces which as you say is great to see for once they are just a creative use of magical tropes that adds points that many other military forces cant provide

frederik wøhliche

a thing i do find a big shame about this show is that alot of people seem to be fixated too much on the fact that the protag is supposed to be a little girl even when you learn why soon its still annoying how people always go for the ooh its another loli and it makes no sense and its stupid and blah blah blah havent seen this episode yet but i really hope they dont get caught up in that part too much :) its a great show after all