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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 43 - You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter

Wow, the Phantom Troupe do not mess around. Not only do they steal (or at least try to) but they kill people! And when they kill people, PEOPLE DIE!!! These Shadow Beasts are looking pretty cool though, can't wait to see how they handle the Phantom Troupe. Maybe Kurapika will have to help them out? What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to chat with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



Diggin the thumbnails guys. Queuein this up for later!


Awesome thumbnails!!!


it is out sooner whoop




Basically the fortune that the girl told in the previous episode is the reason why the merchandise was moved. I think at least.

Burooj Ahanger

surprised you guys didnt think of the fortune girl


Love it!


I wish they were doing 3 episodes instead of two now!


im really liking we have a consistent solution now, keep it up


It might be they're stealing because they like it, they enjoy the thrill, doesn't make it all about money :)


You could maybe go through the troupe members and guess what their category is?


lol the phantom troupe dont care about money, you even heard one of them say that them buying or bidding for things would be wrong cause theyre thieves.

Jacky Lin

ahh~ love me some fast food + hunterxhunter

Ura Meshi

yeah last episode caleb was surprised when dalzollene said "we heard that there will be an attack on the auction" after he analyzed the fortune with the girl's father

Nadeem Shaikh

Guys look back at the girl's fortunes that she wrote from previous episodes, she mentions in her fortunes of a possibility of an attack at auction, that fortune along with two other fortunes that had similar hints was​mentioned by Dallzollene (the head of security) to her father. We were told by Kurapika that influential individuals have come to have their fortunes told to them and that her father used her to rise in the underworld community. its her fortunes that let the mafia know of the upcoming attack


The hint was Neon's fortune. But yes, the leader did want to lure the shadow beasts out for the sole purpose of netting info on where they took the merchandise.


listening to your guys predictions, im glad HxH is still going to surprise you with its direction. it would be boring if it were predictable, right?


Conjured objects can be seen my normal people without gyo, Emission "objects"/nen cannot and need gyo.


The reason why the phantom troupe doesn't care about money is because they can steal anything they want. Money by itself is useless and is only used to buy things that the phantom troupe can obviously take by force. So if you're a thief who is strong enough to take what you want, then money has no value.


I love these guys because they're entertaining when they analyze but can someone tell them, DISCORD admin if you're there, to freaking do a countdown or something similar to before they start the reaction so we, poor unfortunate souls can sync easier? I noticed they forgot to inform the time frame where we're supposed to sync. Is this an editor's fault or something? It gets annoying TBH. Similar thing happened in ep42 but I can look over that since it's the first time they did the format for HXH.


Indeed, in HxH people actually die. Also, Ten protects you from everything, not only Nen attacks. For example, if you remember during the Hunter exam when Gon and Killua tried to take the ball from Netero in that airship, Killua kicked Netero in his leg. To protect himself, Netero used Ten, that's why Killua said "his legs are as strong as iron" or something like that. It's a nice detail :) Think of Ten as some kind of invisible armor.


The motive stuff that boss was talking about is wrongly translated. Indeed he's saying that 'Do you really think that any of us will be SATISFIED with that?' They do want money, but they also do want something more than that


Oh this is going to be so good! My favorite arc of HxH and why Kurapika is my 2nd favorite of the main 4 after Killua. You guys are going to be in for a treat.


No, it was explained that once you open the aura nodes in your body you will be able to see and sense other peoples aura as well. "Gyo" is mostly used to see nen that is concealed though the use of "In".


You guys are great reviewers. I love the discussions and theories you have for this show!!! I'm just really enjoying your reactions, especially since you're now currently in my fave arc.

Princess Paladin

Neon is a Specialist. The fortune-telling girl.

Ryan Hopkins

I've informed them of the issue and they'll be providing a verbal countdown in future timer based reactions. It might not take affect for a video or two, due to the videos being recorded well in advance.


You're able to sense it year, but not see it. Gyo is entirely to see aura which is why theres an entire arc about learning to learn in seamlessly.


Jacob, you said you like snipers/assassins have you seen Golgo 13? Love the discussion guys. I'm amazed at how you sometimes predict the future (of the show). All the questions you have asked in this episode will be answered in the next 2-3 episodes. You'll surprise yourselves at how close you were in your predictions. :D


Another great reaction from you guys! I can feel your hype building :P


I think you two have a slight miss understanding about the emitter techniques. Emitter techniques SEPARATE the aura from the user. i.e. there is no direct link between the active nen effect, and the user of the technique. In the case of nen bullets, even if you were to kill Franklin, any nen bullets still in motion would remain just as deadly. Conjured bullets would vanish from existance and enhanced bullets would become regular bullets. It's this lack of an active user that makes emission so powerful. Another thing to remember is that a technique can belong to multiple branches, such as Kastro's double technique. The nen on the Gon's father's cassette tape was a powerful combination of emission(no connection to the user), enhancement(protecting the tape player) and manipulation(controling the players actions).


Emission just detaches the aura from the user. The 'bullets' are just packets of ten-enforced nen, that are independent of the user and moving at high speed. There is no 'object' per-say. The term bullet is metaphorical.


Depends if the emission technique is hatsu, Gons blast needs gyo to see because its his hatsu colour (orange) and leorios ability also needs gyo.


Compared to conjuration abilities which need 0 gyo ever. (unless its half Conjuration half other type)


My original comment said "emission nen cannot be seen" ten propelled with emission is not emission nen (emission hatsu)


Nen is not just useful on other nen. Remember Wing's explanation that there are people that develop nen naturally that end up being pro athletes, or champion arm wrestlers, the greatest scientists, etc. Nen basically makes you a superhuman in most regards. No amount of physical strength could stop a rifle bullet from piercing Uvo, he was using nen the whole time, but he had to up the intensity a bit for the super bazooka.