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SOS Bros React - Death Parade Episode 7 - MAYU REMAINS!!!

More No Name backstory!!! YEAAAA! Now, that whole bit about this special case of people that Decim and No Name will have to deal with is...interesting. Nona seems to be very keen on making sure this testing of No Name (and Decim?) pushes them. Although, I would be remiss if I forgot to draw special attention to the true shining moment of this episode. That is (obviously) the fact that MAYU REMAINS!!! We'll be watching these every Monday! As always leave us your thoughts in the comments, we'd love to talk about the show with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



Um Decim had no soul? Guys, did you not hear her when she said Decim had HUMAN EMOTIONS? I don't know if this is spoiler or not as it was said in the episode but you think it is a spoiler I'll delete it


Next two episodes are fantastic, get hyped


FFS waiting a week for the next episode and the one after is gonna kill me XD


By the way, she didn't find out she was dead for the first time in this episode. When she first ever came she could remember she was dead. thats why they couldn't just judge her.


Then Nona removed her memories, remember? She didn't know who she was or where she came from before this episode, and now she's aware that she was a human at some point, and died.

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

I think what they're implying is that every other arbiters' emotions are surface level and fake. Decim appears emotionless on the outside but genuinely feels human emotion on the inside. That's why the other arbiters have been given pretty one-dimensional traits such as Quin liking to drink, while Decim seems much more complex.