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SOS Bros React - My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 24 - All Might, All Might, All Miiiiight

We always knew Bakugo was a crazy tsun of a gun, but this is a whole new level!! The Determinator in it's purest, angriest form! Fighting (what's basically) a god? JUST GRIT THOSE TEETH!!! Why? Because that's what it means to be a hero. We'll be watching these every Friday until we're caught up! As always leave us your thoughts in the comments, we'd love to talk about the show with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505


Tammi M

Half a year old but since I just started season 3, I wanted to rewatch the last few eps of s2 before starting the reactions for s3. Somehow I never commented on this episode or even if I did, I want to reiterate that it's really cool to see Bakugo when he was younger - and especially through Midoriya's eyes. What I found interesting is while Bakugo was fighting the older kids, the ones with him (Midoriya included) stayed back and let him fight alone. It's interesting because they literally left him to fight a battle he should've lost - but Bakugo's tenacity and drive to win - to be a hero and believe that heroes do not lose. Midoriya perhaps also learned this from him as well, in a sense, Midoriya has already been saved by Bakugo - back when they were kids - we literally just saw it. It may not be life or death but he still stood up to those older kids alone. And we don't know how many fights they got into and how many Bakugo fought - just fueling his superiority complex more. I know this (comment) is way in the past and won't be seen but lol. Just watching it again is really cool. To this match, I love Bakugo's reasoning. It really made me feel some feels and I can resonate with his resolve and belief that if he gives his all, blood sweat and tears, it will not fail him. He can only win - and refuses to believe otherwise. Also, I think if Bakugo find out about All Might and Midoriya having his powers won't change anything. I mean, he already resolves to have an indisputable victory - to be the best - I don't think it matters who is who, and who has what.


Glad you guys liked it.




will you watch the OVA's? The second one has a student in it with zombie powers:)


Just going to post my comment here too! Last season, you two were debating if you should do a discussion after season 1, but then you decided to just jump straight to season 2. Is it possible to get a discussion after you watch the last episode of season 2? I would love to hear your thoughts overall and your predictions of season 3 :> Also I have a theory on the stitches villain guy and most of the fandom believes it too. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to state the theory? EDIT: Thanks Frank on your opinion!

Fan Lok Tsang

You made a grrat line in saying that Bakugo would never settle, in the same way that Bakugo has the strongest drive out of everyone in the series, he is also the most desperate character. Bakugo tries for absolute victory in every fight he has, and in every fight that has mattered thus far for him, he has lost in some way. He lost against Deku in the exams, Todoroki held back in his fight against him. Most glaring of all he wanted to outright beat All Might, yet he ended up having to rely on Deku, the 2 of them together couldn't beat All Might so they aimed for a pass by retreating. Both of these things are unthinkiable to Bakugo usually, and are tantamount to losing. Bakugo is gradually learning to settle and it is extremly difficult for him, we see it in his break himself line. He has lost every single fight (beating All Might, teaming up with Deku) to gain this little victory, he cannot accept that after these loses he cannot even scrap out the barest of wins, Bakugo's desperation in full display. It is interesting to bote that this is the 3rd time we have seen Bakugo crying/on the verge of an emotional breakdown, the first time is his talk with Deku in front of the gate, and the second is right before Midnight puts him to sleep when he is screaming at Todoroki.


Imo, it's not appropriate that you expose them to this theory at this point in the anime no.

Alistair Dreamer

Hey guys! After you finish My Hero Academia, could you possibly add in a second Haikyuu? We're talking 3 seasons (60 episodes) here of pure awesomeness and I love you guys and all but a whole year of Haikyuu reactions is sort of...long lol. Jacob's beard will reach his collar by the that time XD. If not could i suggest Erased to the next poll lol?

Ace of Blades

One thing to take note of is that since muscles get stronger by tearing them and allowing them to repair, and that's what happens to Bakugo every time he overdoes his explosions, wouldn't it make sense that eventually he'd be able to throw out those explosions with much less strain due to working out his muscles? Just imagine those nuke blasts thrown out casually with no recoil eventually. Absolutely ridiculous power.


Great reaction! Lot's of great discussion points. Not to criticize or anything, though I wished to see your reaction in the video when All-might asked Deku why he looked like that when he was clearly afraid and not trying to trick the fear inside him. So I was a bit sad when I saw that part was cut out. Not mentioned in the discussion either, with regards to drawing a parallel to how he smiled at the slime scene and how he smiled when punching all-might. (Though you did make the parallel with the green slime scene and still had a great discussion overall) Great work!


Its not about the muscles but rather the tendons and joints. A body without super strength or Bakugo's physiology would actually pop their shoulder if they were to fire off explosions at such close range. With regards to those parts, they actually get more and more vulnerable the more times they are strained.

Fan Lok Tsang

Though You cheered when Deku went back to save Bakugo, it was a good thing that he was u concious at the time at did not have to subject himself to being saved, since that final attack on his pride after the first 2 would have driven him to some dark places. Deku knows this. He specifically apologizes to Bakugo on this point, saying that is is just in his nature


There is a point about how Quirks work, partially because of this fight, and even in future events. Quirks aren't just simply whats stated. E.g. Bakugo's power isn't just explosions through sweat, but also the biological and physiological body makeup to be able to withstand those back-blasts from his explosions. If his only quirk was explosions with a regular human body, he would be repeatedly dislocating his joints. Thats why in this fight he's able to with stand hits from All Might, more so than Deku, its not just endurance but Bakugo simply has stronger joints, tendons and bones to withstand his own explosions.

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

You make an interesting point that with what information you have now, Bakugou's drive on its own is not complex at all. Several shounen protagonists share the same goal as him. What sets him apart is his utter lack of balance in maintaining that drive counteracted by the way the narrative insists on gradually punishing him as the series goes on. We aren't meant to root for him. The first scene we get of him is his bullying tendencies followed by him telling the the main character to jump off the roof. He isn't supposed to have any redeemable traits short of changing who he is, but he does. He's spat in the face of any moment which could be seen as a shortcut to character development that other characters in other anime would take, and instead sticks to his guns to the point of being admirable and strong. Another thing that sets Bakugou apart is simply that he isn't the main character. We don't see the world through his eyes, but through the eyes of someone who is close to him. And how Izuku views Bakugou and how we view Bakugou really skews with how he actually is. It was not only ingenious to misguide us through these perspectives, but to also have Izuku be his opposite yet share so many similarities with him in that regard. Just like Bakugou, he also has a lack of balance in maintaining his drive of being a hero who saves everyone, and has destroyed his body or sacrificed himself an unhealthy amount of times in order to achieve it. Also, Bakugou has stopped bullying Izuku since the latter saved him from the sludge monster at the beginning of their third year of middle school. You can hear Izuku mentioning it in an early episode. Bakugou chose on his own to stop bothering him, he didn't need any prompting from Aizawa.

Facundo Brouwer de Koning

"I break... and break myself... even if it means twisting myself, I'll win the way I chose... I won't accept that I can't even beat you like that... no way!" and thats why Bakugo is my fav Character .

Kenju Storm

Like your reaction though I think you guys went on a little too long about the teaching topic

Lynda Jaeger

My fave was when All Might used Deku to slam Bakugo.

Lynda Jaeger

I feel All Might not only feels the pressure of the impending villains but especially with that cough at the end, he feels himself weakening and the pressure of his own mortality. So trying to give the boys the best chance they have as All Might is on borrowed time.

Kayleigh McRae

Can't wait for the next episode. :)


I already left a comment but I forgot to correct something, Jacob said Bakugo learned from the mine field when he threw deku with his explosion but in actuality Deku learned that technique from bakugo originally as deku said when he did it "thanks for the idea Kacchan," typically anything deku does it probably came from Bakugo first lol

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

Yeah, I recall Katsuki using explosions to throw the shot put in episode 3 or 4. A lot of Izuku's inspirations are from Katsuki. I love that point that the SOS brothers brought up about Katsuki being more cautious and studying his opponents in the Sports Festival as testament to him copying Izuku as well.