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SOS Bros React - Made In Abyss Episode 1 - Mystery In Adorable

Fantastic start to a show!!! The characters are adorable and endearing, and the setting is so imaginative it just begs a million questions! I am also super partial to robot characters with crazy abilities, so that's a bonus :3 Can't wait to see how this goes!!! - PLEASE NO SPOILERS - What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to chat with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



AHHHHHHHH!!!! Okay now that my initial excitement is gone, one of my favorite things I wanted to point out about the first episode. Riko noted the Crimson Splitjaw was way higher up than it should be, this super dangerous creature was from down in the Abyss. The teacher also says that the higher areas are relatively safe. From this we can infer that the more dangerous things come from further down. Then when talking to Reg, Riko just casually says that he's probably from the bottom. I can't wait for next week.




plz watch inuyashiki


I just binge watched this entire series yesterday in preparation for your guys’ reactions lol! Can’t wait to see what you both think about the rest of the episodes 😁


Inuyashiki should definitely be on some future polls! :)




Also, once again, this is a series I would absolutely love to have a full reaction option for! Please consider having a tier for full reactions again :)


Soo excited for you guys to get into this! :D


AHHHHHHHH! You would not believe how quickly I tried to get off work to get home and watch this. Seriously. Im probably gonna need a new set of tires. BUT WHO CARES HERE WE GOOOOO BOIIIIIS


I myself just finished the first episode to watch your reaction (great discussion btw) which inspired me to watch the second episode right after, and I would almost suggest you skip the intro, didn't spoil anything major (from what I can tell, I have no idea) but I would have liked to go in more fresh!


One thing you have to remember about Made in Abyss, is that EVERYTHING is up for grabs. Just the variety and difference between even just animals and monsters is amazing. This is one of those shows you have to watch/read multiple times to get the true depth and lore and detail the author put into it. Its mind blowing and I cannot wait to see your reaction to the rest.


Guess it's finally time to start this


For a show that was set up like this. You kinda spoiled all the fun for me now. Thanks.


#PraiseTheDawn !!!


It's over 6,000 km to the center of the Earth, which would indeed be almost 4,000 miles. The map they show says that they have only estimated (at the moment) for the Abyss to be 20,000 m or 20 km, which still isn't as deep as just the Earth's crust. So, while deep, the Abyss has a very long way in trying to get to the center. (if the planet is the same size of Earth)


Lol yeah I had a huge brain fart and thought that meters were miles for a brief bit. 20k meters is nothing in terms of depth.

Ace of Blades

So episode one and I'm already thinking that the title makes sense. "Made In Abyss" refers to Reg, I'm guessing, as he was most likely actually... well, made inside the abyss. I'm also a little suspicious about these kids. The way Nat was implied to have been smacked at least once by the monster and survived, the way Riko fell that far down and was fine even to her own shock thinking she broke an arm, how much they seem to be able to carry at their age? I'll give it a few more episodes to decide for sure, but I'm still on the fence as to whether that's just your typical anime durability or if there's some deeper implications about perhaps something to do with either some really messed up training or potentially drug use from the orphanage (to the ignorance of the children who don't know any better). I dunno, after seeing the kind of place they live in and the importance their caretakers place on exploration, I wouldn't put it past them if there were some dark secrets there. I'm aware this all sounds pretty tinfoil-y, but I get the feeling this is going to be the kind of show to do that.


I think alot of people when first starting this series tend to look at the decisions and actions in the context of our own ethics. Not that its wrong but this IS a fictional universe that has a completely different set of beliefs of whats okay, and whats not. e.g. GAME OF THRONES SPOILERS many of the characters in the novels were 9 - 15, and many of them wed when their like 13-15, that fits in the context of a medival society. This was of course changed in the television series. Its just an observation so take note that its not necessarily inhumane to send children down into deep chasm filled with dangerous creatures within the context of that society or world.

A Suresh

So I've only watched the first episode before. Crackpot theory: what if they're actually inside a hollow spherical mass? As in, the abyss doesn't go from the outside in; rather it leads from the inside out.