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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 28 - No Time For Clowning Around

Here's the link to our reaction: https://vid.me/lNYVD Hisoka returns!!! Major props for taking their time introducing the system. That really did wonders for making sure we didn't take it for granted. But apparently Wing's explanation wasn't accurate? And how exactly are they going to make this deadline? Time for some "practical training"! What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to chat with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



Hype hype hype!

Taylor Goodykoontz

Welcome to the ground floor of Hunter x Hunter.


The abilities Killua displays such as the illusion walking and hand sharpening are considered assassination techniques, not using any of the principles of the power system.


What do you think of the new ending? I love how it hypes the next episode.


I wouldn't be surprised if he was using nen unconsciously though. Well, this is something for later I guess.


Again, I can't wait for your reactions to the rest of this show. You won't be disappointed. I did the math and from here, it's gonna take a year and three months to finish the show! That's so excruciatingly long! Every Thursday, I feel like it's forever until Tuesday's episode.


Nen (Burn) (Force) Ten (Focus) (Shroud) Zetsu (Express) (Null) Ren (Temper) (Enhance) Hatsu (Act) (Release) I believe I got these down right, correct me if I'm wrong

Princess Paladin

Killua didn't gouge out her eyes. He just stabbed her in the face! She was already wearing a visor in the past, back when Canary first started working for them.

Jacky Lin

being chinese, simply seeing the kanji i can get a broad idea of what those are lol

Joseph Garrote

I want them to do 3-4 episodes a week the wait is killing me


I'm happy that Jacob caught on that Gon already showed using Zetsu. Gon learned it unknowingly.

Princess Paladin

Also, the Joker is the furthest thing from a sympathetic character I can think of. The kind of stuff he does in the comics leaves no room for sympathy whatsoever, especially due to his abusiveness towards Harley Quinn. Sorry, Caleb, but he is an awful, awful, awful person. He is way far past the moral event horizon. There is a point at which no amount of waxing philosophical or tragic backstory can give someone redemption, and not only does the Joker not even have such a backstory (I have no idea what you meant by people "not agreeing". His real name and origin are unknown. How you find an origin sympathetic when we don't even know it? The most common "origin story" used places him as already being a criminal when he fell into a chemical vat. He was ALREADY A BAD GUY), but he is well beyond that point. If you've read the comics you should know this. Harley Quinn is a sympathetic character. The Joker is not. He has killed thousands of people without any qualms. I admit I may be biased in that I just plain don't like the Joker in any series aside from Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, or JLU, because that's the most tolerable version of him, but my personal experience with a mentally ill abusive person just makes it so that I know exactly what kind of hell Harley goes through because of him, and I just... Can not identify with the Joker on any level whatsoever. He's an awful monster and there is nothing to sympathize with. He's not written to be sympathetic, at all, and characterizing him that way is, I feel, an error. You may feel differently, and that's fine, but most people, I think, would not consider him to be sympathetic at all.


Killua's "illusion" technique is called the rhythm echo and is basically based on "ninja" stealth techniques. It's pretty much based in the same style of techniques that Naruto's shadow clone technique is based on. The real life version of these were most probably used with several people moving in a specific pattern while looking the same so as to confuse the opponent. Because the roots for Killua's technique is something like this I would highly doubt that Nen has anything to do with it. When he explains it it seems more like a simple optical illusion. When it comes to the whole "killing intent" thing it's something that you'll find in many cultures stories of warriors. In Japanese culture it probably comes from the concept of Sakki used in Ninjutsu. The idea is that when you want to kill or harm someone that intent will manifest as some sort of energy that is Sakki. It can be easily compared to when you get that feeling of being watched or something like when there's an awkward or tense mood, or even something like sexual tension. Each of these would describe how just your feelings would influence the very air around you. Take that idea and amplify it to 11 and you have something like what we saw with Stain. What the real origin to the whole "killing intent" comes from is probably impossible to tell and I'd suspect it would come all the way back from when humans first started hunting and having prey somehow notice them even if they were perfectly concealed.


Killua's family wants him to become stronger. They want him to be strong enough to one day to become the leader of their family. Pretty much every fight after this will be using Nen. They would expect Killua to use Nen eventually.


Daniel Rådegren Well, the "killing intent" is a real thing, but it don't come from the emitter side, it's the opposite. What happen is that you can pick up subtle details without be conscious of it. Your senses have catch those little details, but they are too subtiles for your conscious you to notice. That what create that feeling. And he doesn't applie only to a person hiding or having anger towards you. It's a general thing. It's the same when you know somone is sad but you can't find any reason why you think that. It's not that the other guy emitte "sad waves" or something like that but it's your brain who pick up the little details.