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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 25 - Splitting The Party

Here's the link to our reaction: https://vid.me/Qx2KM Well, now we know where the loyalty of those butlers really lies (not that there was any doubt.) The game was clever, with multiple little twists along the way. So now Killua is away from his family and Kurapika and Leorio are leaving. Looks like we'll be getting some quality time with Killua and Gon. Perhaps we might even be getting a TOURNAMENT ARC!!! What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to chat with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



Wow didn't even get an email and I'm here hahaha


Caleb, whatcha doin in the thumbnail hahaha


I love the heaven's arena arc. One of the best arcs. :)


this is NOT a filler arc. It will have very important moments so dont worry its amazing =)


Canary already knew the moves Killua showed her. It was mentioned right after she used it. The information provided in this coming arc will be very important for the rest of the show so make sure you grab as much as you can. IT'S NOT FILLER :D


Just fyi, the next episode is just a recap, I'd skip that one


I never thought about it but notice how, with exception of Killua, every kid in the family has black hair and eyes... JUST LIKE GOTOH!!!


Don't worry about fillers, hxh don't have those. We only have 2 recap episodes and the next one (26) is the last one. So skip it :D


The Zoldyck estate was basically the filler :o. Don't be so skeptical: this is when the real s**t starts :P.


Please don't react to next episode it's just a recap, no one will want to watch you reviewing and reacting to that episode, anyway good review though it seems you may be loosing faith in hunter x hunter (haha, you'll soon learn your mistake :P)

Ryan Pearce

Just so you know, except for 2? the recap episodes, there are no filler to worry about. And a lot of the padding from the 1999 series has been removed for this series too. And that is all I will say about that.

Darwin Clemente

there is no filler arcs, everything is important


Definitely not filler and I can't wait! No filler arcs in this show x hehe you guys have no idea (so excited!)

Steven Gerling

You guys won't have to worry about filler there is no filler in Hunter x Hunter besides two recap episodes but you guys will love this arc!


Lowkey need Jacob's shirt I can't wait for you to get to the Yorknew arc, but the Heaven's Arena is also important for the story. :> Can't wait for your future discussions! EDIT: Also next ep is a recap, please skip it


Heaven's arena arc is really good.

Princess Paladin

Yes, this is the tournament arc now. The thing from the Hunter Exam was not the Tournament Arc. I couldn't correct you before because it would have been a spoiler. XD And no, Canary already knew Rhythm Echo. She admitted it afterwards, when Killua confronted her on it. How would fighting other people NOT count as training? They need experience and they'll improve as they exert themselves. That's how training works.

Princess Paladin

Also: There are no filler arcs in Hunter x Hunter.


very excited for you to see what comes next. again, great reaction and discussion! you made some interesting theories about heavens arena. cant wait for next week!


Time for my daily dose of discussion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


there are no filler arcs in hxh ;)


No need to worry! No more filler episode or anything of the sorts for the rest of the series! (except the next episode which is a recap that I hope you will skip like you did with episode 13) :)

Joseph Garrote

I don't know if you know this but you can post your entire reaction on vidme


There isn't necessarily filler arcs in the series, but there are part of the series that extends way beyond what it should and I've skipped episodes in arcs with no problem. Some arcs are not as important as others either, but they are all in the manga so not "filler", but some are definitely more exciting or important than others.


i don't know if they can keep up with 8mins reaction for the next episode LOL... 1hr discussion incoming.

Euel Caringal

It's ok for you to be assuming too much based from other anime about tournament arcs, but this is HxH guys and as far as you watched do things go straightforward? Just chill and if possible do more reactions cuz rather than having 30+ mins of discussion you can get answers instead.


Shouldn't hype episodes up, especially episodes this early


why do so many people feel the need to talk about future episodes/events, no matter what you say it will always influence the experience for them viewing it... (certain expectations they get etc.) - there is enough stuff to talk about in episodes they already watched

Elaine Kay

BTW, i think you guys missed it or just didn't hear it but during the Canary flashback she said she already knew the step technique. She didn't learn it from klllua via observation


Every comment section is filled with corrections and forecasts, I agree. People need to let them experience it organically.

Jacky Lin

What is the main storyline of Hunter x Hunter anyway, finding Ging?

Ju Chen

Have ya seen the show, or are ya asking cuz you're curious?

mark silve

its not a filler arc. Its a huge plus for both of the characters

Ace of Blades

There's no filler. Only the recap episodes (which btw, episode 26 is the other recap episode so please skip it) are filler, but everything in this next arc and everything from here on out is fully canon to the manga.

Clear Lime

this is not a filler but a boring episode