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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 24 - Killua Decides To Leave

Here's the link to our reaction: https://vid.me/f6WHt Canary is alive!! I am sooo happy! Granted, that does make Killua's mom seem less vicious, but still. She's alive, and that's very much a good thing. They did a good job introducing her character earlier, but the way they doubled down on her this episode was great. And of course, we would be remiss if we didn't mention Killua's amazing "escape". What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to chat with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



I reached a new level of click's rapidity thanks to you guys

Jacky Lin

so we call this a world building episode? set up episode? while it seemed nothing happened this episode, how real these families feel makes it engaging to me. characters in this anime often feels really real to me


I'm saying this now so I don't forget on the next video. Episode 26 is the second and also the last of the two filler episodes this anime has. So I suggest skipping that one since it only recap's all the events so far and it is nothing new at all. :)


I hope u enjoy the show like i did!


btv. Kalluto, the little sibling isn't a girl, it's a boy... because anime logic


Every time you post all I want is more ha 😅 Half of me is hoping eventually you'll do these daily but I know that's wishful thinking


Vidme is totally unwatchable. So freaking slow. I mean, watching an 8 minute video took more than 30 minutes. Vidme services aren't wide spread around the world and you have got global viewers like me. Aren't we worth your consideration?


Other than your theories/predictions, my absolute fave thing about your hxh discussions is whenever you talk about the characters. like your perception of them, where you think their development might go, their flaws/strengths, etc. my fave thing about hxh is the characters and character development, so im very excited for when you see more of this.


YouTube was blocking almost all their hxh videos so they had to move the reaction portion to vidme. What other service would allow them to share it?


Once again, wonderful reaction and discussion. I'm a bit worried about the length of the reaction though. This was barely 8 min. Could you please do at least 10 min reactions? There's a lot you can cover within two minutes :)

Princess Paladin

That's the Zoldyck theme. It's not the first time you've heard it.

Princess Paladin

Also, did you notice that Killua's mom already had the mono-eye visor in the past? That should answer your question about whether she has it because of Killua or not (though it was never stated he stabbed her eyes in the first place, just her face).


Its not really spoilers and I don't want you to get your hopes up. but you're not going to meet any of the great grandparents. You've pretty much met the majority of the Zoldyk family that you are going to meet. Grandpa Zeno, Silva, Kikyo (his mom), and his siblings, Illumi, Milluki, and Kalluto. The point of this arc was really just to introduce the Zoldyck family and who and what they are.


Also, did you notice that Killua is the only one of his siblings that resembles his father and grandfather, who are also heads of the family, while all the others resemble their mother. That's done on purpose. It's also why Silva and his grandpa are pretty much the only ones that Kil has respect for and who understand him. I actually didn't see the actions of Silva being sinister per say. He is less manipulating (he's not like Illumi ) , but he's actually the only one who understands Killua and he's sort of making a parent's prediction. Just like a parent who has an unruly child and lets them go and knows they will come back, simply because they know and understand their child. This episode really served to make the Zoldyks more three dimensional, We see their family squabbles and interactions, and while dark and dangerous, they do have an actual family dynamic. Also, side note, while Kikyo may go around Silva, she won't outright defy him. Silva is removed but he knows what is going on in his territory. He is the head of the family, his word is pretty much law once he gives it.


Yes, it is one of my favorite themes in the series. It reminds me a little of Sephiroth's theme in that their name "Zoldyk" throughout is sung throughout the theme.


Don't call it filler, they will watch filler episodes. It's more of a recap episode.


The Great grandparents showed up in the manga, well one of them did.


I get really bothered whenever reactors are looking at their phones during a reaction, even more so when it's edited to be more compact. You might be trying to stealthily do it, but the effects are amplified in a shorter segment that you have. Since the point of these videos are "reactions" to content, it's just awkward to see people being distracted by other things.


Silva is still behaving rather immature compared to the grandpa though. You can see that wisdom and Zeno's manner of speech. He doesn't let his emotions or thoughts show unless necessary. Also, he didn't need to play that manipulating game at all.

Life Legacy

No the mom says right after she shot Canary that She (Canary) made it seemed like the were being mean to Killua & technically Canary was probably going to let them pass so she was basically about to disobey orders

Joseph Garrote

Is it possible for full or longer length reactions?

Euel Caringal

Since you mention their names having double 'LL' their names are actually starts after the oldest brother: Illumi-Milluki-Killua and sooo on.. :D


btw kalluto is a boy. ( the kid who is always with the mom )


More importantly, longer discussions. But they mentioned at the end that this disc. was shorter than usual, so this is probably an exception


I love how the initial player froze on the last frame when I watched the reaction, and I didn't realize it so it took me a few seconds to get that they weren't just frozen in shock or realization, but they were actually frozen lol

Joseph Garrote

I don't know if you know this but you can post your entire reaction on vidme