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SOS Bros React - My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 12 - Bakugo...Won?!?

Well that was a surprise. In a way it makes sense. Todoroki shouldn't have been able to get past his issues just because Deku gave him some encouraging words. I almost feel bad for Bakugo to have such a hollow victory...almost. On another note, those scenes we got with Iida were tear-jerking to the max!! We'll be watching these every Friday until we're caught up! As always leave us your thoughts in the comments, we'd love to talk about the show with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



Excellent analysis as always you guys!


Yes. You guys should watch two episodes of MHA a week once you finish OPM and then choose two shows when you finish MHA. Also since you're talking about family and extra stuff at the end, do you guys plan to watch the OVAs at all? The first one happens right after the USJ incident, and the second one happens right after the next arc for you both.


I personally think Bakugou would have beat todoroki even when fighting at full strength but that's just me. plus, I'm a BIG bakugou fan, so maybe a little biased.

Fan Lok Tsang

Just so you know Deku's dad, Midoriya Hisashi is not dead or divorced from Inko. It was stated in an sbs that he just works away from home (long hours/ overseas the like) and pays for the family.


In My Hero Academia the person makes the Quirk strong not otherwise. Someone without a quirk or a very bad quirk who train very hard could be stronger then Todoroki. Thats what i love about this Manga/Anime everyone can be better then the other.


Im a very big Kacchan fan too. I personaly think the same he is a beast at fighting.


You guys have to make sure you react to the new opening song and end credit sequence on ep. 14! o:


Dont be worried about MHA season 3 will surpass Season 2 by far. It will get better and better every season. Im a big Shounen fan but this Anime/Manga keeps getting better and better every time its unbeliaveble. And pls after OPM 2 Episodes of MHA per week :D.


When you see a one hour long SOS video, you know its gonna be a good day! Thanks guys.

Princess Paladin

I've been waiting for you guys to regret assuming that your bet was over when Todoroki won against Midoriya.


They said back in season 1 that quirks only activate when a kids turns 4. So Toru's parents would have only had to deal with an invisible 4 year old. Not much easier than an invisible baby though.


Hype hype hype!


Not quite. Quirks activate, at the latest, at 4. They can actually activate anytime before that!

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

I always enjoy your analyses on Bakugou! A lot of watchers don't really bother because they label him as a 1-dimensional brute as that's the first impression he gives. You're right; he IS a super slow-burn type of character which is ironic considering his quirk. But seeing a character being developed over the course of the entire series is such a breath of fresh air from most shounen that only have their characters be interesting for one or two arcs before being sidelined. As my favourite character, I always enjoy listening to what people really think about him rather than mindlessly hating him. One thing that I think you guys may have missed was the part when the screen went to Uraraka while Bakugou was yelling at Todoroki not to stand in front of him if he wasn't gong to give it his all. I thought that was a nice touch to explaining why he seemed to respect Uraraka so much despite her not being even half as strong as him.


Ohmygod it's here!! Tsuyu's family was shown in the manga in a veeery short omake. So it was put into an OVA since it was extra... You guys should check it out though! It is not plot related and just shows her family. Please also do the OVA's since they kinda show the growth of characters as well. (Especially Bakugou) <a href="http://w1.heroacademia2.com/boku-no-hero-academia-special-ova-subbed-3/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://w1.heroacademia2.com/boku-no-hero-academia-special-ova-subbed-3/</a> This one is set after the USJ attack and before season 2, so you can watch it without spoiling. <a href="http://w1.heroacademia2.com/boku-no-hero-academia-ova-2-subbed/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://w1.heroacademia2.com/boku-no-hero-academia-ova-2-subbed/</a> Watching this one would spoil it for you, but it has Tsuyu's family in it. Don't watch it till you're further into season 2! I love your videos!


every time they say go watch the next episode i feel so hyped but then so down cause i forget this one was the early acess xD cant wait for next one!!

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

By the way, just to let you guys know, Horikoshi who is the creator of MHA actually did state that he had the entire story of MHA planned before even starting the first chapter. Kind of like Oda who created One Piece. That's probably why you see so much cohesion in the story, and it's great!

A Suresh

In an interview with the author Horikoshi Kohei, he said that he was very depressed when he began drawing and writing MHA. He said "I thought to myself, this is the only thing I have left. I can't do anything else."


They made mention early in season one that Deku's dad was working over seas. With them also saying he can breathe fire I could see him being a very skilled wielder that doesn't need a wielding torch or something like that. The father's being absent is not that odd as it is like that a lot in japan. The mother is expected to take care of kids and house while the father is expected to work to provide. A lot of father's rarely see their children because japan has no concept of things like work-life balance.

Kenju Storm

man i wish you guys would upload more than 1 MHA episode a week. your reactions are so good

Princess Paladin

Ingenium was really fast, if you recall. Same/similar quirk to Iida. And yet Stain beat him. I'm not saying Stain is fast, but it would be reasonable to conclude that Stain is based on the evidence based on what opponents he has beaten.

Princess Paladin

Also, Bakugo was yelling at the germs in his teeth. He never yelled at his mom. She yelled at him to stop yelling.

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

That seems like a good idea. I believe that if SOS were to start watching MHA twice a week starting now, season 2 will still finish airing before they catch up.

Ace of Blades

Something I really appreciate about All Might is that in other fighting anime, the muscular and charismatic adult hero character is usually portrayed as an idiot, a coward and a fake. The fact that All Might is none of these, that he understands empathy, and can actually live up to his reputation, is such a breath of fresh air.


become a patron rn, every cents worth it! boss, again sorry for being 57mins being unproductive watching SoS. lol

Yassine Biggie

I personally don't know Bakugo's backstory but apparently it's awesome

Alibek Kulimbetov

lets have a poll of having 2 mha episodes a week, when opm is over. Plz like, and make them notice))

Tammi M

This show is perhaps the first Shonen that has hyped me up - without being biased by my brothers excitement. Your reactions are entertaining and your discussions are fun and interesting! Thanks for the content!