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SOS Bros React - One Punch Man Season 1 Episode 10 - Threat Level God??!?

The S class heroes are all gathered (plus Saitama) to prepare for a threat to the Earth! The assembly of heroes is impressive, but can they handle it? Also will Saitama finally get the fight he's been waiting for? The alien ship doesn't seem to stand a chance against him! We'll be doing these every Sunday, until we're caught up! What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to chat with you! Support us on Patreon - www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



Great stuff! Just wondering, do you read the manga as well, Caleb?


How do you have such a good line-up that this is the thing I least look forward too?


i think they might have offhand mentioned mob at one point as an easter egg. but im not sure

Princess Paladin

Tatsumaki is best. Flying around in a high-cut skirt with no pantsu.


Every day is another great video from you guys. Also, love how you notice the realistic type physics that some anime promote (no windows/bakugo's concussive force).A quick question if you dont mind, what drew you into anime? Was it always something you enjoyed for the simple shonen trope (naruto/dragonball) style? Or did one particular story set you on a course of discovery? Personally, Evangelion opened my eyes to a whole other world of story telling that just blew my mind at the time.

A Suresh

Is it bad that all I keepthinking of is that scene from Super Android 13 Abridged? "For thousands of years, I lay dormant. Who has disturbed my-" "Hey best buddy!" "Oh, it's you." XD

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

(copy and pasted from the One Punch Man wiki) I took out any part that may be a spoiler - Tatsumaki has a cameo appearance in Chapter 8 of Mob Psycho 100 when describing what espers are. - Arataka Reigen of Mob Psycho 100 has Saitama as a background on his cellphone in chapter 9.5. - Saitama has a Mob Psycho 100 manga on the floor near his futon at one point. - Saitama wears a Mob Psycho 100 shirt at one point as well. - Saitama has a cameo appearance in a dream sequence in chapter 80.5 of Mob Psycho 100.


I think it would be fun for you guys to watch One Punch Man Specials. There are six shorter episodes that occur after specific events in the regular season, but basically stand-alone from each other and the regular seasons' episodes. The last episode reveals a little bit more about the S-Class heroes than the regular season does, especially Zombie-man.


I wish you guys would do specials every once and awhile where you just drop a whole bunch of content. Like a day once a month where you guys drop 5 episodes you could call it the Semblance of Insanity special.

Lord Snail the Slimy

I love King so much. Not saying anything more than that.