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WE DID IT!!!! It's up! Thank you for being patient everyone!!

Watch it asap, just in case we have to deal with YouTube bots again.

*Knocks on wood*


SOS Bros React - My Hero Academia Season 2 Episode 10 - Deku vs Todoroki!!

The moment we've all been waiting for is here! It was everything we could have hoped for! Deku and Todoroki, two young men who want to be a hero with every fiber of their being, and one who will save the other. Todoroki has taken his first step to freedom with the help of Deku. Now all that's left is to reconcile his horrible past, and move forward into the future. We'll be watching these every Friday until we're caught up! As always leave us your thoughts in the comments, we'd love to talk about the show with you! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros



No! It's blocked! My SoSMHA fix! I'm gonna go into withdrawal now!

Jonathan Yara



Something strange happened and it's blocked for now, there's no immediate fix, give me a few hours and I'll have it good to go.


<a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/1cXN3ppw2lC0M/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/1cXN3ppw2lC0M/giphy.gif</a>



Sara Johnston

Gah! I've been waiting for this all week!


Already blocked! I'm dead, I need to see this episode!

Connor Brown

Dang blocked already, you guys could upload it to google drive like "Real Talk Reactions" folks did for their AoT S2 reaction.


Its been blocked, noooooooo (cries) please fox it soon xx

JW murray

DAMN on a good episode to


just became to watch this early and it's blocked haha looking forward to it


Jacob almost having a stroke during the battle's climax was priceless.


I waited so long for this!


I think your looking into Deku's motivations to strongly here, yes he wanted to help Todoroki but it wasn't anything to do with him believing thats what a hero would do, or wanting to be a hero more, he wanted to win this just as much as Todoroki, he put his all into it.


Deku also wouldn't have won if he used 100 perecent on Todoroki because that would have killed him, then Deku would not been able to continue the competition anyway. Its not a can be until the death competition, it wasn't just about his morals, they literally are not aloud to kill each other.


is there reaction to episode 11 or did i completly have the wrong idea from the finaly of this video? xD

A Suresh

This tournament crystallises midoriya - and by extension, All Might's - creed: to be a hero is to save others. All Might is number one because he acts to save people, whereas Endeavour saves people because he acts to be number one. In the latter case the means and the end are reversed. The same can be said of Deku and bakugou, which is why I say that they'll be the future all might and endeavour. That was a nice long reaction vid, guys. Can't wait to see what you think of the next episode!

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

I always love hearing about your analyses on the characters and what will happen to them. Seeing as MHA is one of those gems which are pretty consistent with its characters and does a good job of building an arc for them in the long term, your predictions are definitely valued. Great reaction / review!


Episode 9 is the public release and 10 is the early access this week

Riru (〃^▽^〃)

@Clare I'd have to disagree with you on that one. Sure he may have wanted to win, but his need to save Todoroki overpowered that. Which is why the battle went from "I have six chances left to find an opening and win this" to Izuku outright throwing away his whole endurance test strategy by telling Todoroki to solve it with his left side. Izuku's self-sacrificial nature is a recurring theme in the series so this instance of it causing him to lose isn't a coincidence.

Jack Black

Finally it's here! God i hope the full reaction tier passes i need the unedited episode &gt;.


In the authors' comment section in the issue of Shounen Jump that came out a few days before this episode was aired, MHA's author Horikoshi wrote, "Just saw the Midoriya vs Todoroki fight in the anime. I found myself crying. What a wonderful job they've done with my humble creation." That's why I love MHA's anime adaptation. It stays true to the original 95% of the time, but when it does deviate, it never does so in a way that compromises story or character - only enhances it. :D Great reaction as always! &lt;3 you guys


I have no words. There are no words. This was everything I hoped for and wanted.


I've been waiting for you guys to get here for so long. I wondered if you two would have the same reaction as me a my friend when we watched it and it was not far off.


I have waited so long for this!! You guys are so in depth with your analysis and I can't wait for your reactions. Keep doing what you and you always have my support! SOS!

Princess Paladin

He didn't intentionally lose the fight. He wanted to win too. He just wanted to save Todoroki as well.


Iida is your favorite Caleb? What about yours Jacob?


is it going to be possible to watch the "uncut" version of episode 10? i want it so much, you guys are awesome :D


I'll ask Jacob, he doesn't check this as much as me. Yeah Iida and I share some similar qualities, and I always smile when he's on screen :)!


I know what you mean, but Deku couldn't have both. In short, he prioritized saving Todoroki over winning.


Thank you so much Christopher! Glad to have you here! We're just getting started it feels like :D!

good stuff

Yes. I loved you guys so much I decided to make my own Patreon to support you guys. (I never do that lol :3)


I definitly think that the guy wearing white shirt is looking at this much better and reading the characters and the situation much better than the other guy. Though you are both good at analyse x (Sorry haven't been watching your channel long, don't know your names yet)

Ace of Blades

So admittedly the translation on the "I put her in a hospital" line isn't great, but I'm glad that you guys caught on anyway that it was a mental hospital and not Endeavor physically harming her to the point of hospitalization. The backstory was dark but I think that would've made it a bit too dark if it went that way. Also, just something I heard from someone else, but apparently the reason the mom reacted so quick with the boiling water on Todoroki was in part due to positioning. When Todoroki was peeking around the doorway and his mom saw him, all she could see from that angle was Todoroki's left eye (the same color as Endeavor's) and the left side of his hair (which was Endeavor's hair color of red). Due to previous abuse, it's speculated that her being so quick to boil Todoroki's face may have been due to her seeing Endeavor rather than Todoroki in that moment due to her instability.


I like that in the English dub, she explicitly says that all she can see is Shoto's father in his left side.