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Raffle, how does it work?:

The classes that can participate are: Class S, SS+ and Fast delivery.

On September 5 there will be a survey: "Raffle 1" and "Raffle 2" you must vote only 1 of the two (if you vote for both, your vote will be annulled)

After that I will choose the winners of those raffles (raffle 1 or 2) where they will participate in the final raffle.

The winner will be: a complete animation (Example; Nier 2B and Mirko)

-If you are from Delivery Fast, you will participate directly in the raffle for the animation without having to vote (raffle 1 or 2) and your name will appear twice, which will give you more chances.


Ian Greiner

How do I join the raffle?


Sweet! Wish everyone luck :)


How to join raffle

Alex J Rios

Good luck everyone


Debe de ser mi día de suerte después de 2 años por fin


how do i join the discord