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The fallout from his altercation with the director sends Aiden Beck on a downward spiral. Piers confronts Chris Redfield’s reckless behavior. Shane’s relationship with Aiden is pushed to the edge.




Marquise Pride

My goodness! That was one heck of a chapter. The fall-out meshed perfectly and I LOVE how the scene they were acting out was almost a direct 1-to-1 correlation with what they were dealing with in reality; all it was missing was another attack on the director, but I'm sure he'll get his in the end! And the grudge fuck!! SIR!! I was worried it was going to turn into rape, but I'd like to believe Shane wanted it too, so I'm glad he didn't run out after Aiden finished with him. AND boy, that was one heck of post-nut clarity, so glad Shane realized he was the one in the wrong. Really hoping the boys can pull through, but wouldn't be too thrown if it didn't, He's hot and all, but I have to agree with Shane's agent, he's young and already has enough to deal with in the industry. *Sigh* What wonderful storytelling you have going on!


Thanks for the comment. Some background: I spent more time planning and outlining this series in advance, more than any other. It started almost a year ago, rewatching all of the cut scenes from RE6, structuring a story that would directly parallel those events. I wanted to make it really obvious in this chapter, when Chris and Piers have their most heated and passionate confrontation. I've described the relationship between Chris/Aiden and Piers/Shane as "Fight-Fuck." The more they fight the more intensely they fuck. And while that dynamic is about to change, I imagine a long term relationship between these two head strong men would always be heated and passionate. I wanted to push this sex scene right up to the edge, yet let the viewer interpret it, as it is a major turning point in their relationship and a wake up moment for Aiden.


I finally got to watch it. And as always, the work done is amazing. As for this chapter, your story is very good with a lot of parallels to the cutscenes in RE6. It's really great. The sex scene could be described in two words: hot and a bit uncomfortable. You deliberately blurred the lines. It started as a forced sex scene and became an angry fuck. But I truly wonder if Shane enjoyed it or if he let Aiden fuck him because he was shocked by Aiden's behavior. I'm impatient to see the next chapter. <3


Thanks for the comment. Yes, I intentionally blurred the lines. As I said, I'd describe the relationship between Chris/Aiden and Piers/Shane as "Fight-Fuck." The more they fight the more intensely they fuck. While I like to leave some things to the viewer's interpretation, I would say that Shane probably had mixed feelings about the angry fuck. I think there's a submissive part of him that thought it was hot, but also an emotional aspect that he didn't like very much. I think under different circumstances he would have liked it more. But of course, the point was to take their confrontational relationship to the edge of a make or break moment that reflected Chris Redfield's character arc. A very intense chapter!