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CHAPTER TWO may come as a bit of a shock, but it shouldn’t.

I know you guys have seen enough movies and TV shows, read enough books and comic books, to know a story arc. The fundamental principle of any fictional work is that conflict moves the story forward. Conflict is what keeps us watching or turning the page, with the burning desire for a final resolution at the end of the story. That’s what keeps people glued to good stories.

Anyone who knows the story of Chris and Piers in Resident Evil 6 knows that there is a lot of conflict, not just between the good guys and the bad guys, but between Chris and Piers personally as they resolve their relationship.

Remember that Chris and Piers are basically fighting with each other through most of the game. My story is taking that interpersonal conflict between Chris and Piers, beat for beat, and retelling it in a different way.

When their squad is ambushed in Edonia, Chris is seriously injured, suffering from traumatic amnesia. Similarly, Aiden is personally injured. He doesn’t believe that he can have a real relationship with a man because of his celebrity career and public image. He is afraid to love Shane/Piers. He is afraid of hurting him.

I think this is the first time that I have used the “L” word in any of my films. It wasn’t an easy choice. I thought long and hard, what could Shane/Piers say or do to make Aiden/Chris pull away from him? By prematurely admitting his love, Shane/Piers terrifies Aiden/Chris and pushes him away, at least for the moment. But only for a moment. We know how Piers will respond. He will continue to confront Chris at every turn, because he truly loves this man, and he knows that Chris loves him in return, though it may be difficult for him to say it.


Marquise Pride

Oh my gosh, I've been waiting for work to end all day so I could watch this!! I can definitely see a difference between original works and your retelling of existing ships and i am in love with everything that you are doing. For starters, I'm so glad that you called out their horndog of a director and even more so the use of cutscenes from the game. When Shane said "I love you", I FELT Aiden's reaction and was shaking my head at him. You never say the L word so soon in a relationship whether serious or casual, at least IMO. Either way, you are doing a great job at setting the stage for this to be a longer series as opposed to a one-shot! I can't wait for the next episodes and how you retell this epic love story in your own way! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Haha! Just read that after my comment on the vid, and the episode itself gives everything to understand all of this, about their relationship. Can't wait to see the next one! I'm glued. 😋


Thank you so much. There will be even more fun and drama with the director. Piers/Shane wears his heart on his sleeve, wide-eyed and starstruck by his idol.