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okay, so I came up with another.

Some of you might be wondering, "what about that video with Chie and Kimiko?"

Well, it's done, I just need to contact some VAs so I can dub it over and it'll be uploaded.

"What about the video with Piststar?" Got the intro to that done, but Big Time Aces has been taking up my focus.

"So why work on another?"
Cause an idea just hit me like a truck and do a thing with Emma. I mean, I've been staring at her for months doing mostly safe stuff, of course I'm gonna dive into making a video with her.

Questions no one is asking aside, I hammered a way a good chunk of this, two scenes left, gotta sound edit it afterwards, and it'll be ready as well

I'm also like, 40% done with Episode 3 of Big Time Aces, working on this video is me just taking a break



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