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Download The Twist 0.48 (Windows) here:
Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk)

Download The Twist 0.48 (MAC) here:
Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk)

Download The Twist 0.48 Walkthrough HERE!  (Thanks to Fishman for edit)
Download SaveGame file ready for 0.48 HERE!

*Note! This is the same build as Expert/Legend, Advanced patrons release.*


To use Load Game / Save Game you will need to connect to the game through the Patreon.

To do that you need to:
1) Click on "Connect to Patreon" button.
2) The browser will pop and it will ask your permission for information needed to verify your account and it's reward tier. Click Allow.
3) You will see "CONNECTED". You can close this window.
4) Get back into the game's window. If you're patron, the tier doesn't matter. You will see  on the right bottom corner of the screen green letters "CONNECTED" and LOAD GAME / SAVE GAME options will be functional.

You need to login only once (till the next update). Next time you launch the game, no additional actions will be needed.

Unpacking instructions (Windows):

1) Download both parts.

2) Right-click on Part1 and choose Extract. It will extract both parts automatically.

3) Enjoy the game.

I'd recommend to use WinRar (free software).

*SaveGame files are located in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\"*

Unpacking instructions (Mac):

1) Download all parts.

2) Extract part1. (I'd recommend to use The Unarchiver (free software) from appstore)

3) Launch the game through the Finder.

If game doesn't launch due to "unidentified developer". Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is selected.

*SaveGame files are located in "Macintosh HD / Users / UserName / Library / Application support / unity.KsTgames.The Twist"*




I haven't played The Twist in a long time, so I started from zero, and I'm stuck. I'm following the walkthrough, but in step 78, I never get the option to "Lie to her about mom". I already got caught by Julia on the pool, already talked with Julia in the pool (when she's alone), already talked with Janice on the dining room when having coffee, and also tried repeating all those steps, but while I can repeat the "getting caught" on the pool, the other two steps (talking with Julia and with Janice) no longer give you the conversations about Julia being jealous. I'm missing something or my progression is bugged?


could you send your savegame to kstgames1@gmail.com and write the walkthrough step you stuck on (so I won't need to search for this comment)?


it wont open for me at all, ive done what the insturtions say and nothing works


and the alt link doesnt work at all for me


como abro las partidas guardadas


Los archivos de SaveGame se encuentran en "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\"*