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Vacation is over, let's get back to work :)

The MC in Seaside Mystery now will have his stats: Strength, Stamina, Charisma, Intelligence. Stats will be used as requirement for a specific scenes. You will be able to increase your states by working out, reading books, etc. and by completing specific quests/scenes.

The  current status of The Twist 0.46:
The additional artwork: ~100%.
Posing and animations: ~95%.
Dialogs: ~80%
Scripting-Setting up scenes: ~75%




Hi) I'm sure the vacation was a success)

Gray Metal Fox

Welcome back KsT. Hope the vacation was safe, enjoyable, and feeling energized to get back to work on these great games!


Welcome back!! I hope your vacation went well!


Welcome back, I hope you could relax, I hope next week there will also be beta 1 of 0.46, where does another W.I.P from The twist come from?


Thanks, yeah the vacation was good :) 0.46beta probably will be out at the end of the next week. Do you mean if the next W.I.P. will be from The Twist?


yes, a W.I.P from (the twist), and you can really make people really hot again and say when it should come out. Sunday / Monday would be perfect time for a W.I.P by (the Twist)


I don't know about the W.I.P. yet, probably it will be from the Seaside Mystery, since I'm spending more time on it now and the The Twist beta is pretty close to finish already. I'm planning to release it at the end of the next week.