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Hey guys, it is time to plan the next update.

For the next update, I'm thinking about making a pretty big scene with 3-4 ladies involved and Billy as optional choice. This would be a continuation for the Adrianna's requests.

Or should I make this main scene a little smaller with 1-2 ladies and add one more scene, about same size, that would be a addition for another branch.

In any case, the stars of this update will be Rachel, Michelle, Adrianna and Kira.



I think a Janice, Jason, Rachel, Billy movie is needed. Sticking with the scene theme.


I don't really care which one gets the votes, just as long as Billy gets to fuck Rachel and Janice takes Billy home to her bed and fucks his brains out without Jason tagging along............................


Clearly both, and with plenty of Billy init


I would like to see Jason Bill red hoodie and Kevin with Janice fuck her brains out


Either way. I just want more billy and rachel.


I would like to see Janice with other guys with Jason joining as an option and more Billy Rachel stuff.

Pixel Ripper

so since u mentioned billy as optional choice for one big scene kst ? is it going to be like billy joining that screenshot party or billy going to have his own party with janice or rachel ?