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Hey guys!

The new 0.03 alpha build is ready for testing and this time it is available for Expert tier patrons too!

This build is mostly focused on the new camera system testing. The new camera is following the MC and can be orbited around with right mouse button. Since the new camera systems requires additional work on the scenes itself so, at the moment, it is available only in these 3 scenes:
- Pool (daytime)
- Hallway (daytime)
- Living room (daytime)

Please share your thoughts  about this test build and which camera system you prefer.

Besides the camera, there is also a new character in the game. Her name is Emily, she can be found reading a book in the living room and at the pool.
There is a new button on the top left, it opens "Characters" windows, there you can check the stats of the characters.

A quick tip: you can customize Brenda by visiting her at the bedroom, usually she is there at 22:00.

Download 0.03Alpha: HERE! 

Alternative link : HERE! 




Camera works pretty nice. Even though I can tell that you put a lot effort into it, I wish it had a 1 touch movement system like the first game. Playing it on windows tablet works but not very convenient. On PC it works great. Having MC roam free is a unique feeling but considering the game is gonna be sandbox like the first one, it might rather end up tiresome at some point.


Hi) Alternative link doesn't work


This is looking awesome! Can’t wait to play it! General observations: > Options screen…V-Sync is misspelled. > Emily Perez - Definitely not a “looker”. Personally, I’d prefer is she was cuter. 😊 > Brenda Perez - I’d prefer her with much larger breasts. Or the ability to customize the characters physical attributes. > Skipping time…I miss the ability to easily advance one hour with one click. Currently, it seems you have to advance the time by an hour and then click skip which take two clicks. A small thing, I know. > Brenda customization…It would be nice to be able to change the smoothness and metallic of the shoes. Camera system: > Seems to work very well and very similar to The Twist. It would be nice if there was keyboard functionality for the camera when the main character is walking around between scenes using the A/S/D/W and arrow keys. > Main character customization screen…It seems you can only zoom in and out, not up and down and left and right? > Brenda customization screen…It seems you can only zoom in and out, not up and down and left and right?


In customization screens, E/Q for up down. Yeah, I've noticed Vsync typo, but I didn't wanted to rebuild, reupload for 1 letter :)


The camera seems good. I was getting 59fps on Ultra. I don't know if the FPS was limited. I also wouldn't mind keyboard use for walking. The mouse clicking seemed to lack precision. Character walking and stopping didn't seem quite right. Love the house decor.


If Vsync is enabled, it limits the fps to monitor's refresh rate. Also Realistic reflections is a pretty heavy on performance effect.


looks real good, i like the feel, its nice to be able to walk though the house, and camera is good, the bodies look great, my only real complaint is the faces of the new girls, but the rest is looking good

Gray Metal Fox

First, I'm glad I got my new gaming laptop two weeks ago considering I've been playing The Twist with integrated graphics on my old laptop. The camera is functional, the zoom feature helps out tremendously when you want the MC to move to another location within a room. Maybe consider adding a run function to move quicker, like holding down a key while clicking? Brenda and Emily character models look great. The custom tool is great. Especially customizing Brenda early in the game. I imagine spending a lot of hours refining her looks when the rest of the custom tools is implemented. Thoughts, when the game started when meeting 'a special lady' in front of the MC house, I said wow, I'd like to see the Twist upgraded to this level! The environment looks great. If I had one complaint and it's a really small unforgettable one, is the size of the kitchen and dining area. It could use a little bit more spacing between the kitchen island and the dining room table. Just my opinion. Other than that the rooms and backyard look fantastic.


There will be "fast teleport" option, something like in The Twist, you just choose a location to move to. For example from the pool to the MC room. You won't have to walk on foot all the way through the house.


There will be some adjustments on the characters. Especially on Emily's face.


There will be "teleport" to another location option, something like in TheTwist. You won't need to walk on foot all the way from the pool to MC room everytime.