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Download The Twist 0.43 Beta1 (Windows):


Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk)

Download The Twist 0.43 Walkthrough HERE!  (Thanks to Fishman for edit)

Download SaveGame file ready for 0.43 Beta1 HERE! 


To use Load Game / Save Game you will need to connect to the game through the Patreon.

To do that you need to:
1) Click on "Connect to Patreon" button.
2) The browser will pop and it will ask your permission for information needed to verify your account and it's reward tier. Click Allow.
3) You will see "CONNECTED". You can close this window.
4) Get back into the game's window. If you're patron, the tier doesn't matter. You will see  on the right bottom corner of the screen green letters "CONNECTED" and LOAD GAME / SAVE GAME options will be functional.

You need to login only once (till the next update). Next time you launch the game, no additional actions will be needed.

Where to put the SaveGame file?
- The SaveGame files are located in : c:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\

*Please note that this is a BETA version. Most likely there will be bugs, glitches, etc. So if you don't want to deal with it, please wait for the Final release*



helljumper aka MA

nice work. 2 bugs. 1. see the cosplay scene with janice and billy at the hidden beach section, nomatter the time of day. 2. the new swimsuit for julia "quest" have the issue that if at any point you save between talking to julia about the swinsuit and giving it to her, it resets to as if you never talked to julia and you have to start over. ps: as i was have the issue with the "quest" i ran into the kira scene at the beach and it was harder because of it as you are locker in animation for 5 sec as you are sat to watch the delicious vista of the glory that is kira... but after 8-10 times as i was reset because the save bug as mentioned, i would like to be able to skip if i wish. happy geetings, be safe.


One minor bug. When Janice comes in after Kendra/Julia and sees Jason on the bed, she isn't there. Just her dialog. I tried moving camera, but still no Janice. Great update otherwise. Especially Billy scenes. Just wish there more options for him to finish with her.


Found another bug. When you select Janice bed to sleep in, it still sends you to Jasons room. I got him to stay in Janice bed if I just stayed there after selecting it, but the next night it goes right back to Jason's bed.


Weird, now it seems to be working after I tried it a couple times. Now it stays in Janice bed. Hmm.


As always excellent work. Thank you)


ignore my comment, i replayed and got all the scenes. thanks man


Since the intention is to explore the naturalness of sex with good humor for an adult audience, and people like the basic slutty with good doses of promiscuity, I have a good idea for you to enjoy in your The Twist or in the new game: Billy approaches Jason at school excited because he bought a "penis enlargement kit" on the internet. But with the new "toy", Janice is highly addicted to anal sex with Billy all the time, and Jason finds them in unusual situations on the game map, so Jason buys the kit too. With both of them using the device, the other girls in the game also get addicted, and then you have fuel for several scenes with the girls wanting to share the two boys and then becoming nymphomaniac with other boys in the game, and Billy and Jason become yours pimps or lose control of girls who become total sluts, even with strangers. Janice and Daniele, especially, would be really cool to see an improved Billy and Jason. Many would have a good laugh, and you keep the vanilla that sells well, without appealing to the bizarre that few enjoy. By the way, pretty cool 0.43, but Jason didn't have to be jealous, he's smarter than that, and he and Billy are the bitching partners, right?


I thought of writing my bug reports here as well: #1: Julia tanlines doesn't work. No matter what you chose she won't have any tanlines. #2: Julia - bathroom graphical glitch once zoomed out a bit


Bug: I started the game earlier today and it seems the Julia swim suit path reset. She has a torn suit again, and I can only Chat with her when she is soaking in jacuzzi, but she is wearing the new suit.


Bug: The "Sick Day" scene won't come up again. It says Early Morning on the day, but when you click on continue, it goes to 13:00 and Jason standing in front of the school.