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Ok, it's time for the next update's plan.

In the next update I'll be focusing mostly on Julia, she will be involved in most of the scenes.   Also there will be a scene there someone who has a medical background will be involved and who that "someone" will be, I'll let you to decide in the poll.

P.S. Billy will not be forgotten too :)

A couple words about the new game. It's development progressing quite well. The whole character customizations/clothing system is now completed and ready for the game, I'm pretty happy about this one, it will make my life so much easier than it was in The Twist :)
More details and screenshots are coming pretty soon, so stay tuned :)



Would be nice to see the contrast of pale Julia’s skin with Kendra’s chocolate one! And please do not stop to evolve Billy’s path (fingers crossed that Rachel will be deeply involved too!).


I love The Twist tremendously and will always be a supporter, but after seeing the preview of the new game, I’d love for you to wrap up this game and focus all of your time on the new game. It looks so good!


Can you make option or custom janice long hair everyday? She's really beautiful in long hair with all outfits.. Thanks a lot



Gray Metal Fox

I'm glad you are making the next game easier for you to work with. I can only imagine how hard it was to do multiple characters' poses, animated in a scene in the Twist.


For the next content update with Billy would be highly appreciated (especially for me!) Billy and Rachel, new scenes with Billy and Janice, why not introduce scenes with Michelle and Danielle with Billy and Jason? It would add more time to spend on TheTwist! As well as scenes with Janice and other male characters like for example (Shady or the guy in red) Always a great job on your part!