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The time flies... it's the 4th anniversary already!

Just wanted to say thank you all for your support and share couple of wallpapers with Janice and Danielle from their olden days :)

By the way, expect some news on the new game pretty soon :)




Hello) great news!


Happy Anniversary ! Keep up the Awwwsome work!!

Gray Metal Fox

Congratulations on four years of developing an awesome game.

Sil Titan

Holy shit the skin looks great there. Any chance we get to see them look that good in the game?


It's a render, you cannot have this kind of lightning in the game :(

Don Brown

I used to play this game a lot. I stopped playing because it kept crashing, I thought it was my windows 7 computer. I recently purchased a new HP with windows 10. I downloaded the game and it still crashes. Is there any know fix?


Happy Belayed Anniversary, may all your future endeavors be as great.