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Hey everyone. It is time for the future plans.

With the 0.40 update the main story is completed, but the game isn't done yet. There will be more updates, I still have some content and several requested scenes on the queue.
However, there will be some changes in the development. From now on I will be spending more time on the new game, it's not going to be a drastic shift to the new game. For now, it will be something like 60% time on The Twist and 40% on the new game. I will try not to increase the delay between updates, but the updates will be a little smaller.

Since I will be spending more time on the new game, so you will be seeing W.I.P.'s from the new game more frequently. At the moment I'm working on a couple interior scenes and characters, so stay tuned, some screenshots are coming pretty soon :) 

Now a little bit about the content for 0.41 The twist update.
On half of the update will be focused on Rebecca, most of the action will take place at school.
And the second half I'll let you to decide :)



Will there be any real interaction between characters like billy and rachel? Or other characters with their kind of relationship? I would love to see that.


So any more pregnancy I would love to see that


Now, that would be something to see, the whole town knocked up.


yeah let's work on characters a bit more his age...


Still the same bug: In the evening, wenn Janice is sleeping on the bed and MC chooses get on bed, the game freezes at the end of the scene.