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Download The Twist 0.40 Beta1 (Windows):

     Mega: PART 1 PART 2 

     Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk)

Download The Twist 0.40 Walkthrough HERE!  (Thanks to Fishman for edit) 

Download SaveGame file ready for 0.40 Beta1 HERE!  


To use Load Game / Save Game you will need to connect to the game through the Patreon. 

To do that you need to:
1) Click on "Connect to Patreon" button.
2) The browser will pop and it will ask your permission for information needed to verify your account and it's reward tier. Click Allow.
3) You will see "CONNECTED". You can close this window.
4) Get back into the game's window. If you're patron, the tier doesn't matter. You will see  on the right bottom corner of the screen green letters "CONNECTED" and LOAD GAME / SAVE GAME options will be functional.

You need to login only once (till the next update). Next time you launch the game, no additional actions will be needed. 

Where to put the SaveGame file?
- The SaveGame files are located in : c:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\

*Please note that this is a BETA version. Most likely there will be bugs, glitches, etc. So if you don't want to deal with it, please wait for the Final release*




worked perfectly - no bugs at all!


but for mac?

Gray Metal Fox

That was great work! Having five characters in one scene...you had to be in animation hell! LOL Thanks for the 'sacrifice'. :-)


Yeah it was an animation/posing hell indead :) At some point I was even regreting for such decision, but it was to late :)


KsT, congratulations for the completion of the main story line. It is a well-chosen transition to the upcoming game. Thank you very much for this awesome game and for your time and effort. I appreciate it a lot, now and in the future.


I've got bugs, after talk daniele and get dreams in the night, next day i go to daniele again and the scene move to dream and skip to next day. Thanx


Kelly & Rebecca have no hair !! How can I fix this ?


Kelly at the pharmacy & Rebecca in the classroom -- Also when Kira & Rebecca are naked they are completely black .. No the new one is when I try to go to the party with Julia the game freezes ...