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While works going pretty intense on The Twist 0.40. There are some screenshots from the next game with the different time of the day.

The evening scene is still in "not sure" stage. I'm thinking to change it from sunset, to something similar to night, but with all the lights on, windows glowing, pool lights on and so on.

The  current status of The Twist 0.40:
The additional artwork: ~95%.
Posing and animations: ~85%.
Dialogs: ~90%
Scripting-Setting up scenes: ~75%




Hi) Nicely))) What about the moon?


Regarding the evening scene, I think it is better to change it to something similar to night, with all the lights on, windows glowing, and so on. The outdoor lighting in the night scene is too dark. There should be more and brighter lights, especially the lights inside the pool.


I will add the moonlight, it will be a little bit brighter with more intense directional light. About the pool lights, I'm thinking to make it glow only at evening scene and at night it will be off if no one is there. But it's still an early stage of development, there will be tons tweeks and changes :)