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Download The Twist 0.36 (Windows) here:
Mega: PART 1 PART 2
Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk) 

Download The Twist 0.36 (MAC) here:
Mega: PART 1 PART 2 PART 3
Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk) 

Download The Twist 0.36 Walkthrough: HERE! (Edited by Fishman)

Download SaveGame file ready for 0.36 HERE! 


Starting from 0.36 To use Load Game / Save Game you will need to connect to the game through the Patreon. 

To do that you need to:
1) Click on "Connect to Patreon" button.
2) The browser will pop and it will ask your permission for information needed to verify your account and it's reward tier. Click Allow.
3) You will see "CONNECTED". You can close this window.
4) Get back into the game's window. If you're patron, the tier doesn't matter. You will see  on the right bottom corner of the screen green letters "CONNECTED" and LOAD GAME / SAVE GAME options will be functional.

You need to login only once (till the next update). Next time you launch the game, no additional actions will be needed. 

Unpacking instructions (Windows): 

  1) Download both parts.

  2) Right-click on Part1 and choose Extract. It will extract both parts automatically.

  3) Enjoy the game.

I'd recommend to use WinRar (free software). 

*SaveGame files are located in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\"*

Unpacking instructions (Mac):  

  1) Download both parts.

  2) Extract part1. (I'd recommend to use The Unarchiver (free software) from appstore)

  3) Launch the game through the Finder.

If game doesn't launch due to "unidentified developer". Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is selected. 

 *SaveGame files are located in "Macintosh HD / Users / UserName / Library / Application support / unity.KsTgames.The Twist"* 




I'm dropping my patronage. Been following you for years and I love the game, but I'm not going to help put more crapware into the world. If I want games that had to be "unlocked" and only run when a bunch of assumptions are true, I can get them from corporate developers-- no need to support independents. I'm only a low-tier supporter, but I'd rather my money go elsewhere.


Translation: I want to be able to pirate the game any way I want. Also, I'm a even bigger asshole because I'm doing this to a physical person and not a multi-million corporation that doesn't need my money to live.


I have absolutely no problem with rewarding Patrons. Being independent does not mean that you have to give out your work for free. KST obviously puts a lot of effort into this game, and $1 a month is not a lot of money. And if you cannot wait 2 weeks for an update of porn game, then pay more or get help.

Channel JP

After clicking "Allow", nothing happen and game remain locked !!!

Channel JP

The problem is resolved. It was because my firewall. Sorry.


When I attempt to download a version of the game it is blank. None of the files are supported no matter the link I click on


А на андроид есть версия


Hey. When is the update? Previously, you consistently laid out, and the last months for a very long time ..


Не будет, игра требует сильный процессор и соответственно много производительности.

Calion (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-22 19:51:13 "If game doesn't launch due to "unidentified developer". Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is selected. “ This is bad advice. Don’t suggest this. Instead, say to right click on the application icon and choose “Open."
2020-04-29 15:55:14 "If game doesn't launch due to "unidentified developer". Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is selected. “ This is bad advice. Don’t suggest this. Instead, say to right click on the application icon and choose “Open."

"If game doesn't launch due to "unidentified developer". Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is selected. “ This is bad advice. Don’t suggest this. Instead, say to right click on the application icon and choose “Open."