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Download The Twist 0.33 Beta1 (Windows):

     Mega: PART 1 PART 2  

     Alternative link (1 file): HERE! (Thanks to Hun73rdk)

Download The Twist 0.33 Walkthrough HERE!  (Thanks to Fishman for edit) 

Download SaveGame file ready for 0.33 Beta1 HERE! 

Where to put the SaveGame file?
- The SaveGame files are located in : c:\Users\UserName\AppData\LocalLow\KsTgames\The Twist\

*Please note that this is a BETA version. Most likely there will be bugs, glitches, etc. So if you don't want to deal with it, please wait for the Final release*




I've just noticed that in petplay scene some animations doesn't work, it is bug and it will be fixed in bug fix release. Rest of the bugs feel free to report :)

Gray Metal Fox

When I extracted part 1, the UnityPlayer.dll file was missing. I copied the one from the last .32 into .33. That fixed opening the game, but... A lot of areas and characters are all purple. For example, all of Jason's room is purple. Unable to see the menu as well, until I just click in the area I know where it is and it pops up all white with light orange letters. Trippy. :-) lol


The Julia/Kira photoshoot is a bit crowded (image in community section). Playing from offered 0.33 save.


Three minor bugs I encountered so far: - When you sneak peak into the neighbors yard, the game tells you, you came back to the entrance but the scene is still in backyard. (Happens when your neighbor is there) - When you enter a password somewhere (Don't want to spoil) the inventory opens, or other items, which have a keyboard shortcut... The kb-shortcuts should be disabled when you have to enter text somewhere. - When you click on "Go elsewhere" and under your choice is a clickable item (A bed for example), the item is choosen, not the location. Disable clickable items when you open pull down menus I like the game much! Hope to see more :) Cheers!