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The  current status of the 0.33:
The additional artwork ~99%.
Posing and animations ~90%.
Dialogs ~85%
Scripting-Setting up scenes ~80% 

I was planning to release 0.33 this month, but I cannot promise 100% that, since I still having issues with my health.
Some people were wondering what is happening with my health?
I'm having problems with sleeping, I cannot fall sleep without medicine and bad quality of sleep which impacts very heavily on productivity, mood, etc. At the moment fixing that is my main priority.
Thank you for understanding and the support :)




Get well man. And remember it’s all in our heads.

Gray Metal Fox

Please continue to work on your health, that of course is important. No one is going to complain...except those deadbeats who gripe in the comment section on F95zone or Fap Nation. xD


Health is always the priority, no matter what. Invariably and non-negotiable. In this respect, please take all the time you need to get well. All the best!

Mike Austin

KsT, I seriously think you need to take time away from this project. Im absolutely sure your followers would understand if you complete this update then have at least a month away from the computer to recover.


Get better KsT. Update can always wait.


Because this new version continues to crash when the old one was fine :(


KsT is due for his annual holiday around this time of year anyway. May as well get a jump on things; start early.


Thanks guys for the kind words. I am working on my health, I have a strict daily regime now and it seems like it is working, but I still having ups and downs :( The worst thing is for me is that my work is my hobby at the same time, usually then I have free time I am working. And it is pretty tough to deal with it now :)


Hi! KsT how are you? What about 0.33?


Cant you read there is a progress in the post. And its done when he is done with it he is sick still.