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The screenshot above is from the Rachel's new content in 0.33.

When the 0.33 will be released?
As you may already know, last month I had some health problems. I had to limit my time at PC pretty hard during that period, so obviously it will impact the release date. The good news is that I'm fine now, just had to adjust a bit my daily work-schedule. 

The current status of 0.33 is somethere ~50% I'd say.

There will be 4 completely new scenes, by saying "new scenes" I mean the scenes with animations and some "action".

The  current status of the 0.33:
The additional artwork needed is almost done ~90%.
Posing and animations is the stuff I am working on right now ~40%.
Dialogs ~60%
Scripting-Setting up scenes ~50%



Gray Metal Fox

I'm glad you are feeling better. Love your work and dedication to this game and the patrons that support it. Thanks for keeping us inform, and good health to you friend.