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It's time for 0.31 plans!

In this update Janice's outfit system will get a major update!
It will be possible to change colors not only for latex outfits, like in Julia's case, but for lingerie too. Latex outfits will have customizable smoothness/metallic parameters. Since the most of outfits will be reworked, we will see new styles for latex, lingerie outfits.
And finally you will be able to set swimsuit as daily clothes! :)

Janice's tan controls will be changed too, it will work same way as Julia's.

As for new content, this update I'd like to dedicate to Emma for couple of reasons. She will play a role in the main story's progression, which will progress a bit further in this update. She was 2nd in previous month's poll and Emma didn't had an update for a while :)

And as for the poll, I'd like to know what do you like in the game the most?


Gray Metal Fox

Good to know Emma is getting some love for the next release. She is a bit overdue. Updating Janice's wardrobe options is really welcomed.


As mentioned earlier, would love to have more "choice" where you can actually select what they'll do, so eventually include "all" fetishes in the list.


A little more foot fetish would be cool too, it is a very widely spread and common fetish to have after-all.


Emma's scene outside as she exercises. And inside, with the statue on the table should get updated. Also, Kendra is at dead point now, not to mention the receptionist


I think Kendra would need an update now.


Yes! Emma is my favorite!


It would have been nice and received an update when she train

Gray Metal Fox

Curious, as it's been hinted back in the Danielle update about spending the night after the cam show, will Jason be able to spend the night over other character's homes as well? I can see a lot of fun and mischief with Jason sleeping over Billy's house. Even Rebecca's home now that her estrange hubby has new accommodations...temporary of course. lol Certainly spending the night at Emma while Kendra working nights at the hospital could be fun too. Like coming home early to catch/spy on Jason and Emma. Man,I see this game going on for another two years if we don't get back to the main story! LOL


Yup, that's the idea to let Jason spend a night in different places :) The conclusion of the main story is not that far away actually :)


Don't forget about Michelle, she looks super hot :) make some update for her. Thanks :)


More Scenes from Janice , Danielle and the new milf Michelle .... Thanks and keep with the good work.


sound voice


can anyone help me with Billis path. It does not start and also with the Cheating Screen I clicked on RESET BILLIS PATH but I just cannot continue after (version 0.17) step no. 261


also, my game constantly tells me: show Julia the video (as open task I apparently need to do) but I do not know which video and also when?


it's because you playing the game from the savegame that passed that point before Task journal was implemented. You just need to catch Julia at the living room, siting with her phone and show her the video. She will say something like "I've already seen it" and this task will disappear.


The hint journal needs love


Guys.. you must all check the anal scene with Janice in bathroom. I almost fell from chair laughing.


Yeah, that's a funny bug :) So hurry up, it will be gone in 0.31 :)


Gotta agree, seems you've spent a good deal of detail on how good the feet of the girls look as is, fetish scenes are a must!