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Vacation is over and it's time to get back to work! :)

This time is clear who's gonna get her turn. It was decided at previous poll and that's Kira. With Kira's content, I'm planning to expand school's location, shower's room will be added.

At this update we will get a new cool feature at home, which was requested numerous of times. More details will come pretty soon ;)

Also during this period I'm planning to work on artwork for future updates.  I'm not going to much in details, since that stuff won't come in 0.25, but I'm sure we will see some cool W.I.P's :)



Thanks for the update, KsT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 :D CHEERS (c)


Welcome back! hope you were able to relax and unwind! cant wait to see what's in store!


welcome back from vacation :D


Welcome back! Hope you had a good vacation.

Gray Metal Fox

Hope vacation was fun. Enjoyed the Rachel update in 0.24. Poor Billy in the 'shoe scene'...damn, I laugh so hard at the 'give Pumpkin a kiss'. LOL Looking forward to Kira. Also, would like to see a more Aunt Danielle too!


Thanks guys, vacation was really nice :)


I would really like to see Jason become more dominant with his "lady friends". He has already started some of that with Janice and to a lesser degree with others while in "Rough" mode. I hope that this aspect of his character is further expanded.