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- 5 new scenes.

- 3 new item.

- New location - Hospital's lobby.

- New character - Receptionist.

- Characters that recieved updates: 






- Updated locations:

   -Living room

   -Billy's house


   -Emma's livingroom

   -Billy's house (living room)

   -Jason's house (outside)

   -Pharmacy shop




- New feature - "Tasks list". UI element that will show your current tasks.

- DrugX renamed to VitamineX.

- VitamineX (DrugX) now can be bought in high quantities (20).

- Now Janice's tan lines can be customized at the pool.

- Graphics improvement - Nylon stockings now looks a bit more realistic.

- Various bug fixes and minor adjustments.




can saves be ported?


If you mean, can you load savegames from previous versions? So yes, you can.


Thanks KsT!! :D CHEERS (c)

Gray Metal Fox

Awesome Kst! Cannot wait to get my hands on Janice, Rachel, Emma...again, (and again).

Don Brown

does or has anyone had trouble opening the bathroom when Janice is inside? I'd love to hear a fix


Should be able to go in unless John is home, then can't unless you tell her in living room to have a secret meeting at 2:00 a.m.

Don Brown

the problem I'm having is when I try to go into the bathroom , when Janice is in there, the screen goes black and a few seconds later the game shuts down.


If you mow the lawn at 22:00 thursday, you'll finish at 25:00 :)


When kelly leaves for potty break I cant put the pill in her coffee, stuck on this scene and cant go anywhere, just rotate the camera and quit game. - The End Thank You For Playing.


I'm stuck with Rachel at 195. She won't accept to take a bath and I cannot find a way to increase her score as she always opens the door and starts talking about Billy :(


Can somebody tell me please where can I find the folder with the saved games?


-Kevin -John -Billy ok, fuck this(


Why are you adding so much cucking? The game wasn't about that and changing it after people have gotten invested is kind of mean.


Got the latest 0.24 version, and get to the shady dealer to buy the pills, however they never show up in my inventory, then when I go to break with the Pharmacist, she leaves for the bathroom, and…NOTHING! No options come up, there’s nothing to click and use to drug her, AND you can’t leave the location…anybody have a similar glitch and know how to fix it?


I've discovered that I am NOT the only one, so this seems to be a verifiable bug. I'd love to get a fix for this, as the game can't progress much without this activity.


Would it be possible to add XYZ camera movement to the Cosplay beach and Julia's photoshoots? As far as adding more males, you stick with you plan. Great Game




well since Billy is an optional path and your actually Cuckolding the father, which can be skipped by skipping days when you sleep. Not really a big issue

David Woods

I can download both parts of this game but can not get them to open together to play no matter how many different ways I try was able to down load it off fap-nation it was a single file but could only play a small amount before it kicked it's self off looks like a good game and would love to play it but guess I'm not smart enough to get it opened any ideas


bonjour,il y a un problème avec les mini games dans le jeu,a chaque fois on se fait attraper,quand on le réussit !!?? il vas falloir revoir cela. car on peut plus avancer.


cc j'ai toujours ce problème de mini jeu j'arrive pas a la piscine et ailleurs s'agit il d'un bug de jeu ?? avant cela marchait très bien sur la version 0.23