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Download The Twist 0.22 (Windows) here: PART 1 PART 2

Download The Twist 0.22 (MAC) here: PART 1 PART 2 

Download The Twist 0.22 Walkthrough HERE! 

Unpacking instructions (Windows): 

  1) Download both parts.

  2) Right-click on Part1 and choose Extract. It will extract both parts automatically.

  3) Enjoy the game.

I'd recommend to use WinRar (free software). 

Unpacking instructions (Mac):  

  1) Download both parts.

  2) Extract part1. (I'd recommend to use The Unarchiver (free software) from appstore)

  3) Launch the game through the Finder.

If game doesn't launch due to "unidentified developer". Open System Preferences and go to Security & Privacy, and make sure the General tab is selected. 

Changelog from Beta.2:

 -Janice/Julia clothes issues.

 -Clickable objects glitches, after waiting 1h while Janice working out in living room.

 -Danielle tattoos glitch at her kitchen.

 -Camera at the bedroom night scene can be moved now.

 -"The bonus scene" updated. Added several animations and options.

 -Hospital location can be visited.

 -Updated dialogs in several locations.

 -Various minor bugs/typos/glitches.




Thanks KsT <3 :D CHEERS (c)


The "pull swinsuit aside" when Janice is in the pool (on the two parts and H-scenes of the pool) still bugged, the swinsuit don't go aside not showing her p*ssy. Tested in a fresh install. Srry for poor english.


The cow suit H-scene(when Janice visits Jason at night) option is not shwoing anymore, even doing/using the hypno comand when Janice is doing yoga.


Please tell me how to complete Janice H-scene while she with john sleeping.


"Kelly ask to replace her at work" also not working. can you tell me is there any specific time at pharmacy shop.


Going to the school at 2100 leads to a black screen. This also happens if you wait out front of the school and advance the time to 2100. Hence, it is impossible to advance the Kira story line.


Got to the point where I choose between desk or window (367) and the game went crazy. Lots of fun and a great game I look forward to continue.


What do you mean doesn't work? There is a chance (50%) that she won't need your help. And you should come before 17:00


It goes black only at the specific moment (Check for window/Meeting Billy) or always? Even at the new game?


As I remember instead of being able to make the desk/window choice I was suddenly in the school hallway with the dialog replaying the scene as if I had just gone inside the schoolroom while I was trapped in the hallway . This was on a Friday. I will load the Tuesday before - play the game and see if the same problem exists and make some notes for you. Will that work?


Sure. If something goes wrong, I need as much detailed info as possible. Sometimes I cannot reproduce the bug, but I can see what might couse the problems and make it in a different way.


Well, I didn't get the same problem... made it past...


Need help. Everytime I go after school to talk to KIra (walkthrough no. 362. Next day after school go inside and talk to Kira. She will ask to get her a math test tasks.) She NEVER asks me to get the math test tasks. What can I do. Thx for help