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Download The Twist 0.20Beta1 here: PART 1  PART 2 

Download The Twist 0.20 Walkthrough HERE! 


- Disappearing items after savegame fixed.

- Kira's texture issues.

- Danielle's texture glitches at her house fixed.

- Danielle's kitchen visual improvement.

- Rebecca's progression problem (at 30score) issue fixed.

- Janice's "angry week" now applies for night scenes too.

- UI (relation window) glitches at pool fixed.

- UI buttons now works at the locker room.

- Chance to get caught by Janice at the beach reduced to 20% but you will get -10 score with Janice.

- Various dialogs.





Sorry, but some bugs still continues on my full walkthrough saves v0.19(full) and v0.20(full). *I did walkthrough v0.20 part again. In some maps / locations, when you open the "relations" or "inventory" the "zoom" with mouse scroll works with the mouse pointer in the relations window, such as "pool", "Jason's room", "beach", etc. ... In the "pool" location when you open "UI Relations", Danielle and Kira status / picture disappears. *And now when you open the "UI Relations" on the pool location, Kira / Danielle's disappears from "UI Relations" in all maps / locations Rebecca rough/gentle cheat points still don't go to +15/-15 just +10/-10. Thanks. *Sorry for poor english


About the scroll and zoom, that's not a bug. Simply mouse wheel is used for both actions.<br>Hmm... about the UI relations window at the pool, I'll check that again, maybe I missed something.<br>There is no scenes that requires -15/+15 gentle/rough score for Rebecca. So there is no need to add this limits to the cheats.<br>Also I didn't add Kira to the cheats window, since there is no scenes yet that would need her score.


Thx for the release and the fixes KsT. Do have a bug to report. Started a new game, removed all old save games, cleaned up the register as well, but for some reason I always get a black screen whenever I go to the locker room at any given time or day in the game.

Don Brown

Is the crash when I choose "follow her" in the living room with

Don Brown

Rebecca a bug or something in my computer? I don't hear anyone saying anything about it?

Don Brown

Hoping it helps, The error message I get when the game crashes, " Display driver stopped working"


Hello KsT I run into a problem where there is no coupon in the mailbox at all even after 25 days or so what I can give Billy. I even tried the cheat part with the coupon path but it s not working for me. Any Ideas? Thanks for the help.


the same go to Emma khock on the door and error (black wnindow) game stops.


my pc Crash i must start the game from the beginn and can not visit Emma and get Video 3 and all other things from Emma.


Try to update the display drivers. And please note that the game requires dx11 compatible gpu.


coupon appears at 5-10-15... days at the mailbox. In cheats window if you click on "Give him coupon", games progresses to the point there the coupon is already given to Billy, so no item will appear in inventory. But don't do it too early, it may mess up the progression of the game!


bonjour j'ai des beugue 3/4 des image en rose mais les scènes passe normal et s'il le faut image pour le montrer


ou puis je vous envoyer les images


Try to reduce quality at the launcher. Also try to update gpu drivers and keep in mind that dx11 compatible gpu required.<br>I hope google translated properly, as I don't speak french :)


How do i download on mac


Mac version will come out with the Final release. It should be up later today


You need to extract the first part, it will extract both parts automatically