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Download The Twist 0.17 Final HERE!

Download The Twist 0.17 Walkthrough HERE!

Download The Twist 0.17 Walkthrough (by Cybrill) HERE! 

- 6 new scenes.

- 2 new items.

- Characters that recieved new/updated scenes: 





- Updated locations:

   -Jason's room (PC)


   -Julia's room at night


   -Emma's living room.

   -Jason's home (outside)



- UI update: Relations scores moved to seperate window.

- UI update: Rough/Gentle scores will be shown in Relations window.

- UI update: characters locations will be shown in Relations window.

- UI update: Inventory window is now shows only items.

- Mirrors become more realistic. It will be affected by Realistic Reflections setting in Options menu.

- Grammar in some scenes drastically improved.

- Various bug fixes and minor adjustments.




Thanks. <3 :D CHEERS


Ask KsT. 1. I want to buy a twist-only tablet pc. I want to know the play specification of the twist. 2. Is there a hope for a language package?


1. Most importat is the GPU, try to buy the pc with the best GPU your budget allows. CPU is not that important. RAM 4gb is enough.<br>2. In near future, no. Translations are planned after the game will be finished.


KsT found 4 bugs, Janice night visit if you do Not use lube you get an increase in rough score beyond -10 (currently at -12), Julia night visit if you use lube you get a +5 increase to relationship (currently at 385), you cannot save outside of Rebecca's house it sends you back to the front of the school if you try, finally Janice at the beach was at -6 rough and Janice and MC had anal sex and it rose to -7 rough . :D CHEERS


cheats doesn't work how come


Cant play the game on my main computer, that sux, I had no problem with the other versions, I just get a black screen when the game start, iI never get to the menu. :(


Go to the hallway during the day. Press and hold "C", then press "H" and the new cheat menu will appear.


Give me saves file I lost my all saves