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- 6 new scenes.

- 2 new items.

- Characters that recieved new/updated scenes: 





- Updated locations:

   -Jason's room (PC)


   -Julia's room at night


   -Emma's living room.

   -Jason's home (outside)



- UI update: Relations scores moved to seperate window.

- UI update: Rough/Gentle scores will be shown in Relations window.

- UI update: characters locations will be shown in Relations window.

- UI update: Inventory window is now shows only items.

- Mirrors become more realistic. It will be affected by Realistic Reflections setting in Options menu.

- Grammar in some scenes drastically improved.

- Various bug fixes and minor adjustments.




HYPE !!!!!


Happy Holidays KST, enjoy them and thanks its been a hell of a year.


great additions and game play but found a few bugs, emma band jason after tv quest, there are 2 emma's and 2 jasons, plus the game ticket doesn't respawn, keep up the good work. looking forward to new additions.


I am done with this game,I was up to day 180 plus.with it then accidentally reopened it to new game.,instead of load and it started at day 1,got out of game and went to open up again with auto load ,and all saves are gone. so you should fix saves.....glad only a dollar lost. better games out there Yeah also make the kid at least tall enough to be in High school,and not a 6 ft 6 mom or sis compared to that scrawny kid.


didn't you try getting in on your auto saves? worked for me a few times before


ok i hacked it in the regedit.....works fine now but can`t seem to get emma to let me in on Thursday,and lawn mowing is still at $25. pool scene fine ,all else works,just that mowing stays at 25 and I have to ask for water to get in house.....to get the restaurant info.(yes i have dress and stolen necklace) Too bad nothing else with Billys mom.


FYI - Unable to put drug into Kelly's coffee.