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Download The Twist 0.16 HERE! 

Download The Twist 0.16 Walkthrough HERE!

Download The Twist 0.16 Walkthrough (by Cybrill) HERE! 


- 6 new scenes.

- 2 new items.

- New location: Rebecca's home.

- Updated locations:

   -Jason's room

   -Pharmacy shop

   -Living room

   -Dining room

   -Jason's room at night




- 2 New daily outfits for Janice

- 2 New Scenes with Gentle/Rough system

- Janice living room scene reworked for high scores

- Janice Gentle/Rough limited to from -10 to +10 points.

-Emma's score requirements to be invited inside are reduced to 15 (was 30).

-Janice Gentle/Rough extra animations/poses appear at +5/-5 (was +10/-10).

- Grammar in some scenes drastically improved.

- Various bug fixes and minor adjustments




hi i can not use drugs with kelly, i try with mouse on the Cup but nothing


I had the same bug. I did everything up to that point, but the chance to drug her never comes up. I even tried reducing her points by asking about anal again, and bought 'drug x' twice. No point in continuing from here,


Play through the "Put Drugs In Coffee" scene in version 0.15, save the game, then go to version 0.16 and continue play.


It is a known bug, unfortunatelly I cannot make a bugfix till 0.17


Just ran into a couple of bugs. When you have sex with both at the pool and try to follow them to the shower, you end up in your room instead. If you then go to the living room, 60/40 Julie's on the couch, but if she's not you can enter the bathroom to get the duel shower scene. Entering the house from either the mailbox or the pool area always takes you to your room, instead of the living room as it should.


i try to Play Version 0.15 but i can in this Version not save the game, i start with Version 0.16 maybe that's the reason why i can not save the game in Version 0.15