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Download The Twist 0.11b HERE! 

Download The Twist 0.11 Walkthrough HERE! 

Bugs fixed:

-Blackscreen at the certain point in Bathroom.

-Tuesday Janice/Emma issues.

-Dissapearing "hypno commands"

-School toilet UI now works properly.

-No longer needs to have 30+ score with Kelly for "ask about friend" option.

-Adriana will give some hints at the certain point about Janice/Emma event.

-Janice/Emma workout on Tuesday's will be 100% instead of 60%.

-Some other minor adjustments.



I decided to erase my Reg and start over. Not as much for the problems but because I love this game, and want to start over. By the way I am one crazy SOB.


Hate to report this, but when the player returns to Jason's room after recording Ms Grant on his cell phone, none of the hot-spots in the room work. Discovered this on the off chance that the video might be playable on the PC. Not a huge issue, but something you may want to be aware of. And yes, this is on version 0.11b


BTW: If you leave the room and return, they all work.


Can't wait for the next release. Wonder what was inside the package.


Thanks for the fix :D CHEERS


Just a little notice. I had done the 3-some at the pool. And the stealing of the medicine when they became acticive in the last versions. But I needed to do them both again to trigger the new events in v11.


What will i have deliver a package. Flom the shady guy ?


v0.12 will be about what? and I have 35p of energy...... I dont want to restart my game?


Awesome update as always! Really well done new scenes and the "hangers" for further updates just make us want to play and support you even more!


Found a bug: when going to the studio on saturday morning (9 AM), all navigation buttons disappear (WAIT, SLEEP and the INVENTORY, MAP and NAVIGATE). Only way to get out of there is quit and save.


I cannot find the screwdriver, what should I do? restart the game?


I'm also having a problem with the cheats. The cheats are using num keys and I have a laptop :(


Can´t find the dildo at Emma´´ s place...and the yoga scene on tuesday doesn´ t come..is it random or a specific time? Great update btw :)


I'm think every laptop has somehing like "Num Lock" turn on/off key


You have to talk to Julia about it when she is in living room using phone. Then ask Kelly and Billy too.


There is a new bug that won't allow me to save after you receive the $100 from Billy for the Pool BJ